
Our research

Dr. Sonya Bird holding ultrasound probe under her chin
Dr. Sonya Bird illustrates the use of ultrasound imaging in phonetic research.

Linguistics at UVic is unique in bridging three interrelated areas of specialization: theoretical linguistics, applied linguistics (language teaching), and Indigenous language revitalization. With the guidance of our faculty members, you will have the opportunity to study in these areas of research and learn how they can inform each other in advancing our understanding of linguistic diversity and how to carry it forward for future generations. 

Areas of specialization

Our areas of specialization include:

Faces of UVic Research

Who are our researchers? What do they study? And how is their work relevant to our lives? Find out in the  video series, in which individual researchers give a short and succinct "elevator pitch" on their work—in everyday language—that quickly gets to the heart of what they do and why it matters.

  • John Archibald -
  • Sonya Bird -
  • Alexandra D'Arcy -
  • Sonya Bird (April 2020) -