
MA in Linguistics

As a student in our MA in Linguistics program, you will be able to conduct research on a wide range of topics from language variation and change, to theoretical linguistics, to topics in language revitalization and community based research.


  • Please refer to the Academic Calendar to check the MA in Linguistics Program Requirements.


This timeline should serve as a guide to completing your MA, designed to be a two-year program.

  • Year 1, September - April: Complete bulk of coursework (5 courses total = 7.5 units)
  • Year 1, Summer: Develop/defend thesis proposal; prepare/submit  (if required)
  • Year 2, September - April: Finish up coursework; defend thesis proposal; get ethics approval (if required); write thesis
  • Year 2, Summer: Defend thesis (7.5 units)

Staying on track

  • Program form: Every September, you should meet with your supervisor to review and update your program form (fillable when downloaded), and then submit it to our graduate secretary by Sept. 30. This will let you keep track of your progress as you work through your program of study.
  • CAPP report: You can also always access your CAPP (Curriculum and Program Planning) report through Student Services, under Student Services. Here you will be able to see where you stand with respect to meeting your degree requirements.
  • Checklist: The Faculty of Graduate Studies has a  for completion of a master's degree.