
Past EU study tours - UVic students

European parliament. Photo credit: Sarah Broitman, 2017 EU Study Tour participant, from UVic.

The EU Study Tour and Internship Program is a unique opportunity for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in a variety of disciplines to immerse themselves in the institutions of the European Union. Students will meet with representatives of European institutions, diplomatic delegations to the EU (including Canada's), policy think tanks, and civil society organizations, and will have the opportunity to have face-to-face contact and dialogue with presenters and seminar leaders from the ranks of those actively involved in the day-to-day work of the EU.

Following the Study Tour, students have the opportunity to undertake an optional internship with a European institution, generally for two months in duration. Most internship positions commence immediately following the completion of the Study Tour. You must complete the Study Tour to be eligible for an internship.

This page contains current and past information for UVic students; students from other participating universities should visit the EU Study Tour home page.

Past EU study tour participants:

2018 Study Tour

Congratulations to the following students, who represented UVic in 2018:

  • Jennifer Harkins (TA)
  • Eric Buhne (Internship: Concord Europe)
  • Myim Kline
  • Daphne Lewarne (Internship:Commission Directorate General International Cooperation and Development) 
  • Ben Lukenchuk (Internship: Commission Directorate General for Education and Culture)
  • Alina Sobolik (Internship: European Trade Union Institue) 
  • Nick Sociedade (Internship: European Centre for Electoral Support)

2017 Study tour

Congratulations to the following students, who represented UVic in 2017:

  • Matthew Bergin
  • Sarah Broitman (internship: Program Manager and Lobbying Assistant, Centre for European Progression)
  • Anna Dodd (internship: Unit of International Cooperation, Directorate General for Education and Culture, European Commission)
  • Victoria Shin (internship: Project Assistant, AECOM International Development, Brussels)
  • Stephanie Siddon (internship: External Communications Coordinator, University of Latvia)
  • Anna Thompson (internship: IPPFEN (International Planned Parenthood Federation European Network))
  • Joel Toorenburgh (internship: Research Assistant at Payoke, in Antwerp, Belgium)
  • Elena Trenholm (internship: Asia intern for Democracy Reporting International, Berlin)
  • Ari Tsetsekas (internship: Research Assistant and Policy Analyst at EUMatrix)

2016 Study tour

Congratulations to the following students, who represented UVic in 2016.

  • Mackenzie Carr
  • Kadiatou Diallo
  • Rijk Eric Mollema
  • Alex Niketas
  • Daniel Wiche

2015 Study tour

The 2015 tour dates were May 10th to 30th inclusive. Congratulations to the following students, who toured the EU last May!

  • Meghan Casey (Internship at the European Agency for Fundamental Rights, Vienna, Austria)
  • Devon Harlos (Internship at the Directorate General for Parliamentary Research Services. European Parliament in Brussels)
  • Arya Hejazi (Internship at the European Liberal Forum, Brussels, Belgium)
  • Brandon Kirklevy (Internship at the European Commission DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW)) 
  • Fiona Mathieson (Internship at the International Office of Migration, Geneva, Switzerland)
  • Matthew Dindo (Internship at the Center for European and Transition studies in Riga, Latvia)
  • James Farrell (Did not participate in the Internship Program)

2014 Study tour

In May 2014, the following six students from UVic participated in the study tour through Europe and some of the major institutions of the European Union.

  • Ovidiu Raitu
  • Angela McCleery
  • Joel Bushby
  • Eric Tkachuk
  • Thomas Nunn
  • Tasha Bray

2013 Study tour

In May 2013, four students from UVic participated in the study tour through Europe and some of the major institutions of the European Union.

  • Joel Holdaway
  • Katie Cook
  • Alexandria Shannon
  • Linnea Jackson

2012 Study tour

In May 2012, nine students from UVic participated in the study tour through Europe and some of the major institutions of the European Union.

  • Bradley Cranwell
  • Brett Benson
  • Claire Muurmans
  • Elyse Goatcher-Bergmann
  • Ivan Dumka
  • Lindsay Bisschop
  • Razvan Catrinescu
  • Ricki-Lee Doyle
  • Yang You

2011 Study tour

In May 2011, six students from UVic participated in the study tour through Europe and some of the major institutions of the European Union.

  • Jonathan Barr
  • Emmanuelle Cormier-Jensen
  • Claire Muurmans
  • Heather Larson
  • Tegan Holmes
  • Ashley Stewart

2010 Study tour

In May 2010, six students from UVic participated in the study tour through Europe and some of the major institutions of the European Union.

  • Courtney Noble
  • Katerina Anastasiadis
  • Marc Dumais
  • Timothy Ell
  • John Siedlaczek
  • Serena Sousa

2009 Study tour

Laura Skoratko, a European Studies Concentration student, participated in the 2009 EU Study Tour in May, and then stayed on to complete an internship in Europe through the summer and fall.