
Lansdowne & Visiting speakers

2023: Lansdowne - Cecilia Enjuto Rangel (University of Oregon, USA)

2022: Lansdowne - Lola López Mondéjar (Madrid, Spain)
         Visiting Speaker - Fabio Andina (Leontica, Switzerland)

2019: Lansdowne - Juan Arturo Brennan (Ciudad de México, Mexico City)         
         Visiting Musical Guests - Cuarteto Latinoamericano (Mexico)

2018: Lansdowne - Eugeni Osácar (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)

2018: Lansdowne - Juan Luis Suárez (Western University)

2017:  Lansdowne - Álvaro Vázquez Mantecón (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City)

2016:  Lansdowne - Barbara Zecchi (Massachusetts Amherst)

2015:  Visiting Speaker - Rosanna Turcinovich Giuricin (Toronto)
2015:  Visiting Speaker - Konrad Eisenbichler (U. of Toronto)

2014-15:  Lansdowne - Francisco García Vicente (Murcia, Spain)

2013:  Lansdowne - Laura Freixas (Madrid, Spain)

2012:  Visiting Speaker - Carmen Aguirre (Vancouver)
2012:  Lansdowne - Abilio Estévez Pazo (Havana, Cuba)
2012:  Visiting Speaker - Simonetta Agnello Hornby (U.K./Italy)

2011:  Lansdowne - Anthony Lappin (U. of Manchester, U.K.)
2011:  Visiting Speaker - Michael Schuessler (U. Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City)

2010:  Lansdowne - Rosa Beltrán (U. Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City)
2010:  Visiting Speaker - Paolo Giordano (Italy)

2009:  Lansdowne - Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra (U. of Texas, Austin, U.S.A.)
2009:  Visiting Speaker - Maria Rosa Cutrufelli (Italy)
2009:  Lansdowne - Millicent Marcus (Yale, U.S.A.)
2009:  Visiting Speaker - Andrea de Carlo (Italy)

2008:  Lansdowne - Andrew Anderson (U. of Virginia, U.S.A.)

2007:  Lansdowne - Sante Matteo (Miami U., Oxford, Ohio, U.S.A.)

2006:  Lansdowne - Lois Parkinson Zamora (U. of Houston, U.S.A.)
2006:  Lansdowne - José Antonio Rodríguez Garrido (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)

2005:  Lansdowne - Frederick de Armas (U. of Chicago, U.S.A.)

2004:  Lansdowne - José Antonio Mazzotti (Harvard University, U.S.A.)

2003:  Lansdowne - Joseph Snow (Michigan State U., U.S.A.)

2002:  Lansdowne - Gethin Hughes (U. of Toronto)
2002:  Lansdowne - Terence O´Reilly (U. College, Cork, Ireland)

1999:  Lansdowne - Amilcare Iannucci (U. of Toronto)

1998:  Lansdowne - Jean Franco (Columbia U., U.S.A.)

1997:  Lansdowne - Melveena McKendrick (U. of Cambridge, U.K.)

1996:  Lansdowne - Eduardo Saccone (U. of Cork, Ireland)

1995:  Lansdowne - Noël Valis (Johns Hopkins U., U.S.A.)