
Services and resources

Who we support

The HCMC offers its services at no charge to members of the Faculty of Humanities at the 番茄社区.

We also collaborate with colleagues in other faculties on campus and in other institutions. Please contact us to discuss your situation and how we may be able to assist.

The tabs below list the kinds of tasks we've worked on for researchers, instructors, departmental staff people and working students.

For more details, click on the links in the table below or click on the items in the page navigation area in the column to the left. If you are using a mobile device, you may access these navigation items by opening 'In this Section.' 

Researchers, if you


  • to assist you in your teaching
  • If you wish to use the Computer Assisted Language Lab drop-in room or a specialized language lab in your teaching, please see the

Departments, programs, research groups


The HCMC supports students working as a research assistant, work-study or similar on a professor-led project. We do not provide resources for completion of course work directly to students.