
Developing software

What we can do for your project

Our developers can work with you to create a range of different kinds of material:

  • e.g. user uses a browser to view pages (often used for instructional sites, course sites, etc.)
online databases / client-server programs
  • e.g. user uses a browser to work with a database of material residing on a server (often used for teaching/research sites)
application programs
  • e.g. user downloads, installs and runs from his or her computer or other device (often used for utility programs to allow user to create data)

If you or your research assistants are interested in doing some of the software development work, we can arrange for you or your research assistants to get time on our shared development computers. We can also train and supervise work done on the shared computers, as needed.

All our work is guided by our development principles and standards. We have expertise in a wide range of software technologies and will encourage you to use standards and technologies we support. We will also be open to learning and using other technologies when circumstances warrant.

For an idea of the range of things we do, see the projects section for descriptions of (and links to) projects we are currently working on or have worked on.

We offer services at no charge to members of the Faculty of Humanities at the 番茄社区. Please contact us to get started right away. If you are not a member of the Faculty of Humanities, please still contact us to discuss your situation and how we may be able to assist.