
Nxaʔamxcín (Moses) Dictionary

The Nxaʔamxcín (Moses) Dictionary project is a very small sample of an early beta-version of a database of Nxaʔamxcín (known in English as Moses, or Moses-Columbia Salish). Its purposes are:

  • To pull together all the materials on Nxaʔamxcín compiled by two of the linguists who have worked most closely with native speakers of the language in order to make these materials available and easily accessible to the Nxaʔamxcín community, rather than to leave them stored on file cards and in notebooks.
  • To serve as a searchable tool for learners, teachers, speakers, and linguists to encourage more active knowledge of the language.
  • To serve as an important source of material for the future compilation of a comprehensive dictionary of Nxaʔamxcín, an important goal of the Nxaʔamxcín Language Preservation Program.
  • To serve as a base to which additional language material, including audio and visual material, may be added easily.

View  in the site.

PI: Ewa Czaykowska-Higgins