
Dr. Janelle Jenstad

Dr. Janelle Jenstad
Acting Academic Director

BA Hons (UVic), MA and PhD (Queen's)

Area of expertise

Digital humanities, text encoding, digital editions, digital project longevity and sustainability, project planning and management, grant applications

Janelle Jenstad (she/her or they/them) is Professor of English in the Faculty of Humanities. She founded and directs (LEMDO) and (MoEML), and co-coordinates the New Internet Shakespeare Editions, Digital Renaissance Editions, and anthology. Having written over 62 grant applications and won $1.275 million in grant funding via 32 successful applications to SSHRC, Mitacs, the Bibliographical Society, CFI, BC Tech, UVic, and the Fonds France Canada pour la Recherche, she is well positioned to advise HUMS faculty members on grant applications that entail a technical component. She has been working with HCMC developers since 2004, most recently on the SSHRC-funded . Her area of expertise within the HCMC unit is project management, grant advising, and grant budgeting. She is the first point of contact for faculty members seeking HCMC support for their digital projects.