

Digital Humanities Committee


The Digital Humanities Committee is responsible for guiding the use of technologies in the research and instructional activities of the Faculty of Humanities.

The committee advises the Dean of Humanities. It is as a means by which the various member departments of the faculty can raise issues of common concern about technology and its use in the faculty. Academic recognition for digitally-based scholarship or teaching is also an issue of common concern.

The committee is also a means by which communication on these topics are distributed to departments in the Faculty of Humanities.

There are two responsibilities of the committee which directly affect the HCMC. These are the responsibilities to:

  1. Guide policy for the HCMC, such as deployment of labour, space, equipment.
    • policies guide the operational decisions made within the HCMC and
    • set the standards by which project proposals are evaluated
  2. Evaluate proposals from scholars for projects which consume significant HCMC resources (as part of the formal project approval process).
    • committee has authority to approve or prevent a proposed project from using requested HCMC resources

The committee meets approximately six times per year (three times each session). To ensure the timely consideration of project proposals, the committee may perform this aspect of its work through email or other media instead of meeting in person.


The committee consists of:

  • the Associate Dean of Humanities, who acts as the chair of the committee
  • a representative from the Humanities Computing and Media Centre
  • three representatives from departments in the Faculty of Humanities (appointed by the dean, to three years at most)
  • a representative from the Library