
Martin Holmes

Martin Holmes
Office: Mearns Centre A316

MPhil in Phonology, RSA/Cambridge Diploma TEFLA, B.A. (Hons)

Martin Holmes has a B.A. (Hons) in English and an MPhil for research in Phonology, as well as the RSA/Cambridge Dip. TEFLA. He has taught English as a second/foreign language in Britain, Japan, Indonesia, Greece, Saudi Arabia and Canada. In the late 1990s he moved from teaching into programming with an emphasis on creating online language teaching materials, and has recently been focusing on both electronic and traditional print publishing as well as digital editions using XML-based technologies. He is a founder and partner (with Stewart Arneil) in Half-Baked Software Inc., a company created with the university to commercially exploit software created by Stewart and Martin in the HCMC. He has also published several pieces of educational software independently. He was an elected member of the of the 2010-2015, Managing Editor of the for three years, and Technical Editor of the from 2005 to 2021.

His recent projects include the , the  collection, the , , the project and . 

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