
Jamie Sewell

Jamie  Sewell
Assistant Teaching Professor
Gender Studies
Office: CLE B119

PhD 2022, Philosophy, University of Waterloo

Area of expertise

Feminist epistemologies, epistemologies of ignorance, feminist philosophy, social & political philosophy, gender & sexuality

Joined UVic Gender Studies in 2024

I am a queer feminist epistemologist and social & political philosopher. I am deeply interested in how we come to know (and what we ignore) under systems of oppression. Much of my work explores what it means to be a responsible knower in relation with others, and what we owe to each other in virtue of our relative positions within systems of power and domination.
My teaching is largely informed by my research on bell hooks' trilogy on teaching and my exploration of critical democratic education theory, by extension. I consider teaching well an act of resistance.

Research Interests
Epistemologies of ignorance
Ignorance and moral responsibility
Feminist philosophy of law
Polyamory and marriage law

Courses Designed and Taught
GNDR 100 - Gender, Power, and Difference

Selected Publications
Jordan WJ, Stumpf A, Wass C, et al. With a Clear Conscience : Business Ethics, Decision-Making, and Strategic Thinking. First edition. (Andres GG, ed.). Oxford University Press; 2021.

Association for Feminist Epistemologies, Methodologies, Metaphysics, and Science Studies (FEMMSS)
Canadian Philosophical Association
FemLab (Feminist science research group)
Minorities and Philosophy (MAP)
Southwestern Ontario Feminism and Philosophy