
Frequently asked questions

If your question is not listed below, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Course placement

What level of French should I take?

Placement in a first-year French course depends on your current level of proficiency. If you have a level of French equivalent to that of a beginner, grade 11, grade 12, or French Immersion student, please see the following course recommendations and consult our.

If you are still uncertain of which courses to take, please contact the Department of French at 250-721-7363 or at french@uvic.ca for undergraduate advising or to write a placement test.

In order to ensure we are able to assist you as efficiently as possible, please include your full name and V# in all written communications.

Does the department have a list of courses that are being offered sometime in the coming year that I could look over?

Please see our list of undergraduate and graduate courses.

Course registration

I'm trying to enroll in a French course but the registration system says that there is a "prerequisite error" even though I have the prerequisites for the course. What should I do?

Please contact us and we will override the prerequisite restriction so that you may register in the course. Please remember to provide us with your student number.

Honours, Major, Minor, Certificate, MA

What are the program requirements for Honours/Major/Minor/Certificate/MA programs?

Please see the detailed outline of our undergraduate and graduate program requirements.

How do I declare a program in French?

Program declaration and program change requests are submitted online at www.uvic.ca/declareme. You will be directed to log on to your Online Tools, where you will select Grades and Records, followed by Program Declaration or Change. You will then follow the guided steps to submit your request.

A few tips: 

  • If you are adding a concentration or option, please wait for concentrations/options to load after selecting a major - it can take some time and you might think it's not working, but it is! 
  • You can let us know which calendar year you are following by typing it in the comment section.

Make sure you meet the eligibility requirements.

How do I change my Major Program to French?

Program declaration and program change requests are submitted online at www.uvic.ca/declareme. You will be directed to log on to your Online Tools, where you will select Grades and Records, followed by Program Declaration or Change. You will then follow the guided steps to submit your request.

I see the program requirements have changed. I am currently studying under the previous program requirements. Does the new program apply to me?

You can either choose to stay under the old version of the program, or contact us and switch to the new program.

Study/work elsewhere

What opportunities are there to study or work in a Francophone university or environment?

Please consult the Study/work elsewhere page.

I will be completing an exchange program/studying at Francophone University. How do I apply for transfer credit to UVic upon completing my studies?

You should submit a request for a Letter of Permission from Academic Advising before you leave. If you don’t submit this form, there will be a $40 fee for processing the transfer credit. Upon completing the courses, you should request that an official transcript be sent to at UVic, which will automatically begin the transfer credit process. You will typically receive 1.5 units of unassigned 100 level French credits.

I am a French Honours/Major at UVic and I am wondering what I need to do to receive credit for the Experience Requirement for my work here in a francophone country.

Please email the Department of French upon your return so that the Chair can write a memo to Academic Advising to inform them that you have fulfilled the Experience Requirement.