
Dylan Trerice

Dylan Trerice
Teaching Assistant, Graduate Research Assistant
Department of French & Secondary Post-degree Professional Program student, Faculty of Education, UVic

French - Honours BA (2013), MA (2015)

Dylan is a specialist in French language acquisition and is currently completing his certification to be a secondary French Immersion teacher. During his master’s degree, he had the opportunity to take his research in the field of French language acquisition abroad. After studying in France, he noticed a significant increase in his fluency and put his language skills to the test, successfully passing the Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française exam, issued by the French Ministry for National Education, at the C2 level.

Reflecting on all of my amazing experiences, the UVic French Department was an integral component to my success and preparedness in my teaching career and I couldn’t have asked for better peers, colleagues, and opportunities.