
Admission requirements

  • A completed four-year undergraduate degree from a Canadian, or Canadian recognized, degree-granting institution. 
    • The undergraduate degree must be completed by April 30th of the entry year. We do not give extensions nor do we make exceptions to this date.

    • A graduating cumulative GPA of 6.0 (UVic grading scale) or higher in the last 30 units/60 credits.

    • International students: Unless you come from an exempt country, you require a TOEFL score of 575 on the paper-based test or an overall score of 90 on the Internet Based TOEFL (IBT), with the following minimum section requirements: Listening 20; Speaking 20; Reading 20; Writing 20. Equivalent scores on ELTS or MELAB are accepted.

  • At least two years of full time, or equivalent (approximately 3000 hours), human services experience
    • Paid or volunteer human services experience can include, but is not limited to, work in areas such as health, education, housing, income security, economic development, social justice, justice and public safety, community development and/or policy/advocacy work.

    • Practicums, internships and coop placements cannot be used to meet the human services requirement