
MSW Indigenous Specialization

The MSW Indigenous Specialization (MSWI) is for social workers working in Indigenous social work settings. Social workers working for and with Indigenous organizations work in a fundamentally different historical, cultural and administrative environment to those working in non-Indigenous settings. The Indigenous Specialization is designed to provide social workers in Indigenous communities with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills within this context.

The MSWI program is offered every second year (on even calendar years), through a combination of an on-campus institute at the beginning of the program and distance education.

Delivery method

The MSWI program is delivered primarily through distance education, with the exception of one mandatory on-campus session scheduled for August of each year. Students must attend the mandatory session in the August that they are admitted to our program.

Students in the MSWI complete 15 units comprised of course work, and one of two completion options: thesis or course-based. For more information about the required courses and completion options, please see the Delivery method and course plan page.

Are you ready for graduate education?

Admission to all of our MSW programs is highly competitive. We particularly look for candidates who can evidence a “fit” with our curriculum, Mission Statement and Program Objectives. Students must ensure that they have read through and reflected on this information so as to be able to demonstrate in their application that UVic’s MSW program is right for them.

Most graduate courses require about 9-12 (or more) hours of work per week per course. Graduate education, even if by distance, can never be done “off the side of your desk." Time management skills are essential for success. Classroom courses involve 3 hours per week per course, plus about 6-9 of reading and assignment preparation. On-line courses require about 3-4 hours per week preparing and participating in weekly online original postings and discussion, with an additional 6-8 hours a week preparing assignments.

Check out this self-assessment activity for information on things to consider before you begin the application process to the MSW program.

Technology requirements

All students admitted to the MSW program must have computer and high speed internet access for the duration of their program in order to participate in courses delivered by web-based learning and for program administration purposes. Students require a UVic Netlink ID, and it is strongly recommended that students use a UVic e-mail address. Visit the  site for more information about distance education.

Contact information

MSW Program Assistant
