

All degree students are required to complete a 225 hour practicum. This planned, supervised and evaluated experience will usually be completed at the end of the student's program of study.

Heather Ulmer
Practicum Coordinator
Email: phsppracticum@uvic.ca
Tel: 250-721-6628

For additional information please review the FAQ section.

What is a practicum?

Practicum is a course that provides an opportunity to explore the meaning and application of your course work in a workplace setting. While completing your practicum you will have the opportunity to work with a team in an organization, and develop/enhance your interpersonal and team building skills in a professional setting.

Your practicum course (HLTH 430) includes 225 hours at an organization as well as an accompanying on-line course. HLTH 430 is offered only in the January semester.

What are the requirements for practicum

To be eligible to begin a practicum, students must have completed all core, area of focus and elective courses in the BA program prior to commencing practicum and culminating major paper courses (HLTH 430, 435).

All students must apply to complete a practicum placement at least two terms in advance of the start date for their practicum; e.g., for a January placement, applications are due by May 1.

Students completing a practicum must submit a criminal record check to the School. Organizations hosting students may require proof of immunization, additional security checks, etc., as prerequisites to commencing the practicum placements. All costs related to these requirements and any other agency costs associated with practicum are the responsibility of the student.

Where will I complete a practicum?

Most students choose to complete their practicum placements in their home communities; however, that option is based on the capacity of organizations within that community to host and supervise a student. All students have the option to complete their placements in the community of their choice in either Canada or U.S.A. only.

What are some key considerations for the practicum?

Set aside adequate time and space to complete the expectations of the HLTH 430 Practicum (3.0 units) and HLTH 435 (3.0 units) Major Culminating Paper since they must be taken in the same semester.

Here are the requirements for HLTH 430 Practicum:

  1. The Placement:

You must complete 225 hours in your placement (approximately 17 - 19 hours per week). The schedule for completing your hours can vary depending on your needs and the organizational needs but you must plan to complete them over the duration of the semester. You must be available during regular work hours.  Students are strongly discouraged from working full-time while completing their practicum.

  1. The On-line Course:

In addition, you must complete the accompanying on-line course and plan for an additional 26 – 30 hours throughout the semester (approximately 2 to 3 hours per week).

It is important to plan ahead as you enter this program so that you can make the arrangements necessary to complete the practicum and its concurrent coursework.  For example, if you are currently employed, you should begin discussions about time off with your employer as early as possible.

How are the practice experiences arranged?

You will work with a practicum coordinator to arrange your practice experience.

Can I complete my practicum at my regular workplace?

Undergraduate students are expected to complete their practicum outside of their usual workplaces so they have exposure to new opportunities and experiences. The practicum should take place in an organization separate from the student’s employer.

Will I be paid during my practicum?

Most organizations provide only unpaid placement opportunities. An organization may pay a stipend at its discretion (and ability to pay). Students will likely be expected to pay for any additional costs of practicum—e.g.  immunizations, criminal record check, travel to and from the agency, or other costs related to placement in the organization. It is important for students to plan for financial considerations arising from the practicum term(s).

Where will I learn more about the practicum?

You will learn more about the practicum at the Gateway Orientation in August and throughout your program. If you have questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to contact Heather Ulmer, Practicum Coordinator at: phsppracticum@uvic.ca

Will I be paid during my practicum?

Most organizations provide only unpaid placements opportunities. An organization may pay a stipend at their discretion (and ability to pay). Students will also likely be expected to pay for any additional costs of practicum—e.g.  immunizations, criminal record check, travel to and from the agency, etc. It is important for students to plan for the financial considerations that might arise from the practicum semester(s).

Where will I learn more about the practicum?

You will learn more about the practicum at the Gateway (orientation) in August and throughout your program. If you have questions and/or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact Heather Ulmer, practicum coordinator at: phsppracticum@uvic.ca