
Frequently asked questions

How many courses are required to complete the Bachelor of Arts in Public Health program ?

You will complete 30.0 units of coursework in the BA in Public Health program.

Students entering the program with less than 30 units will complete additional courses to meet UVic degree requirements.

How much does the program cost?

Please refer to UVic's tuition fee estimator.

fees are assessed each term.

Course materials and/or textbooks are required for each course and are available through the .

Is there financial aid available?

How long do I have to complete the BA program?

The BA in Public Health can be completed in 2 years (5 consecutive academic terms). You have up to 5 years to complete the program. We have developed a suggested program plan.

BA Program Plan for students who started in the program in Fall 2021 or earlier (BA in Health and Community Services)

BA Program Plan for students who started in the program in Fall 2022 (BA in Public Health)

Can I transfer any courses I have completed at other institutions?

At least 30.0 units of coursework must be completed in the BA in Public Health. Polices and procedures for granting transfer credit are described in the .

Is there an Academic Writing requirement I must meet?

Yes. You must meet the UVic Academic Writing requirement before entering the program.

Is there a specific order in which courses must be taken in the BA program?

There is a recommended course sequence outlined in our BA program plan.

BA Program Plan for students who started in the program in Fall 2021 or earlier (BA in Health and Community Services)

BA Program Plan for students who started in the program in Fall 2022 (BA in Public Health)

Where can I get advice or assistance to help me with my study skills?

You are able to receive help from  ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø , Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation (Math and Stats and Writing help), and local colleges, high schools and community centres offer courses on time management, rapid reading, English composition, and study skills.

What kind of jobs will I get after my degree?

Predominantly, primary employers of graduates with a BA in Public Health will be public sector employers such as the provincial and federal government, health authorities, non-governmental organizations, non-profit community organizations and social service agencies. Throughout the program you will have opportunities to learn about, from and connect directly with people working in a range of public health areas.