
Combined Major in Computer Science and Health Information Science

The Combined Major in Computer Science and Health Information Science combines studies in the organization of health care systems and specific issues involving health informatics with the fundamentals of software engineering, operating systems, programming languages and computer hardware.

This program is designed for students seeking a more technical career path. There is an increased importance placed on technical and computer science aspects.

Admission and program requirements

To meet the program requirements of the combined degree in Health Information Science and Computer Science, you must complete:
  1. 60 units comprising:
    • 46.5 units core (or 45 units if BIOL waiver completed)
    • 7.5 units of lower-level electives (or 9 units if BIOL waiver completed)
    • 3 units of senior electives
    • 3 units of senior electives in CSC, HINF, or SENG
  2. a minimum of three Co-op work terms
  3. You are not eligible for this combined program if you have a previous Computer Science or related degree.

Model plan

Model plan for combined major

Fall Spring Summer
First Year - 15.0 units

CSC 110 -Fundamentals of Programming I

ATWP 135 or ENSH 101 or ENSH 102

HINF 130 - Introduction to Health Information Technology

BIOL 150A1 or  BIOL 150B1 or EPHE 1411 or BIOC 1021

MATH 100 or MATH 109 

CSC 115 - Fundamentals of Programming II

HINF 140 - Introduction to the Canadian Health Care Systems

MATH 101 - Calculus II

MATH 122 - Logic and Foundations








Second Year - 15.0 units

HINF 200 - Principles of Health Database Design

HINF 230 - Organizational Behaviour and Change Management

HINF 2022 - Introduction to Professional Practice

CSC 225 - Algorithms and Data Structures I

SENG 265 - Software Development Method

STAT 255 or STAT 260

HINF 201 - Database Management and Development for Health Care Systems

HINF 280 - Biomedical Fundamentals

CSC 226 - Algorithms and Data Structures II

CSC 230 - Introduction to Computer Architecture

ENSH 202 - Technical Communications: Written and Verbal or ENGR 240 - Technical Writing


Co-op work term #1 (HINF/CSC)




Third Year - 15.0 units

CSC 375 or SENG 321

HINF 3xx

HINF 3xx

CSC 3xx3


Co-op work term #2 (HINF/CSC)

HINF 3xx

CSC 3xx3







Fourth Year - 15.0 units Co-op work term #3 (HINF/CSC)*

HINF 4xx

HINF 4xx

CSC 4xx4

CSC 4xx4

CSC 497 - Interdisciplinary Project

CSC 4xx4







1. Students with Grade 12 Biology or Physiology and Anatomy must complete a Request for Change to CAPP form and must take 1.5 units of additional elective (which can be one of these courses). Students without credit for Biology 12 or Physiology and Anatomy must take one these courses.

2. HINF 202 must be taken prior to first co-op work term. Normally completion of all courses listed in first 4 terms will be required prior to undertaking the 1st work term.

*Students must successfully complete a minimum of three work terms with at least one in each area.

3. Select 2 courses from the list below and these must fit into the Fall and/or Summer terms and cannot include CSC 371. 

                        (1.5)    - Foundations of Computer Science   

                        (1.5)    - Programming Languages

                        (1.5)    - Digital Logic and Computer Organization

                        (1.5)    - Operating Systems

4. One of these courses may be SENG at the 400 level.

5. These 6.0 units of senior electives must be at the 300 level or higher and include at least 3 units chosen from Health Information Science, Computer Science or SENG. (*excluding CSC 371).

Co-op eligibility

To be eligible to take part in the co-op work term process, you must meet all of the conditions below:

  • have completed all courses listed in the first and second year of the model prorgam
  • have a GPA of 4.0 or better
  • be a student in good standing (not on probation)
  • currently be enrolled in a minimum of four (4) courses
  • not have any deferred exams outstanding
  • International students must submit a copy of their Co-op Work Permit prior to accessing the Co-op Job Portal

For questions or concerns regarding co-op eligibility, please contact Co-op Coordinator

**Note: Any deviation from the above will require written permission from the Director of the School.

The University Calendar is the authoritative source for complete lists of course selection and program requirements.