
Academic policies

Guidelines for Professional Conduct

All students in the School of Health Information Science are required to follow the “Guidelines for Professional Conduct”, and may be required to withdraw from the School for violating these provisions.

Academic Standing

Students are required to maintain a GPA of 4.0 or higher on a minimum of four courses in each academic term. Students with a GPA below 4.0 will normally be required to withdraw from the School for at least one calendar year. The School of Health Information Science is under no obligation to readmit students who have been required to withdraw.

A graduating GPA of 4.0 or higher is required for graduation. Students who do not meet this requirement will be placed on probation and must take additional, appropriate, 300- or 400-level courses in order to raise their graduating GPA to 4.0 or higher.

To be readmitted to the School, students may be required to repeat Health Information Science courses previously completed if, in the judgement of the Director, curriculum changes or the length of interruption is sufficient to render the applicant inadequately prepared for the subsequent courses.


Students registered for work terms are considered to be enrolled in a full time course of studies and may not take university level credit courses without the prior written approval of the School's Director. Approval must be sought before registering for a course. A letter from the employer must accompany the request. No student will be given permission to take more than one course while on a work term. No student on probation will be given permission to take a course while on a work term. Normally, permission will not be given to students with a GPA less than 5.0 in the academic term immediately prior to the work term.

To be eligible to take part in the mandatory co-op work term process, you must meet all of the conditions below:

  • have completed all courses listed in the first four terms of the model program
  • have a GPA of 4.0 or better
  • be a student in good standing (not on probation)
  • currently be enrolled in a minimum of four (4) courses
  • not have any deferred exams outstanding
  • International students must submit a copy of their Co-op Work Permit prior to accessing the Co-op Job Portal
  • submit a completed student checklist for co-op eligibility form to the Health Information Science co-op office.

Any deviation from the above will require written permission from the Director of the School. 

Students will normally have completed at least one co-op term prior to beginning the third year of the program.

Academic integrity

Please visit: http://web.uvic.ca/calendar/grad/academic-regulations/academic-integrity.html


Unauthorized Use of an Editor

An editor is an individual or service, other than the instructor or supervisory committee, who manipulates, revises, corrects or alters a student’s written or non-written work.

The use of an editor, whether paid or unpaid, is prohibited unless the instructor grants explicit written authorization. The instructor should specify the extent of editing that is being authorized.

Review by fellow students and tutoring that do not include editing are normally permitted. In addition to consulting with their instructors, students are encouraged to seek review of and feedback on their work that prompts them to evaluate the work and make changes themselves.

Course regulations


  • Requests for special permission to take a course or to add or drop a course are to be referred to the Assistant to the Director. The Assistant to the Director will coordinate the student's request with the instructor involved and the Director. 

Leave of absence

Students must request, in writing, the permission from the Director for a leave of absence, letter of permission, or reduced couse load. Unless given written permission by the School of Health Information Science to take a leave of absence, students who are not reregistered will be considered to have withdrawn. Students on leaves of absence are considered outside the program and will not be granted work term credit for experience gained during the leave.

Prerequisite requirements

Any student wishing to take a HINF course who does not have the prerequisites for the course must obtain written permission from both the instructor and the Director of the School. 

The pre-requisite waiver form is used to assess progress in the HINF program. This form is only for HINF students and granted under extenuating circumstances.

Senior course registration

Students from other schools or departments may take HINF courses as electives with the permission of the Director. If enrollment limitations are necessary, preference will be given to students registered in the Health Information Science program.


The School of Health Information Science will accept APA and ICMJE formerly Uniform requirements reference formats. Ask your instructor about preference.   

English language requirements

As indicated in our model programs, ENGL 135 or ATWP 135 and 1.5 units of 100 or 200 level ATWP or ENSH are required for the BSc and ENGL 135, ENSH 202, or ATWP 135 is required for the Combined Major in Computer Science and Health Information Science. 

Senior electives

Senior electives are 300- and 400-level courses intended to expand knowledge needed for a career in health informatics. Students are required to select a minimum of 7.5 units from the Senior elective course list

  • Students wishing to take 300- and 400-level courses not on the Senior elective course list should be directed to the Assistant to the Director with final approval from the Director

Courses taken at other institutions are not normally acceptable as senior electives. In rare instances a student with a previous degree may have the requirement to have 1.5 to 3 units of senior electives waived. Transfer credits can be evaluated but are not guaranteed to satisfy the requirement. Before the request will be considered the student must: 

  • Provide proof that the course was taken within the last 5 years with proof of the grade received.
  • Provide a course outline from the year the course was taken.
  • Provide a statement explaining how the course is applicable to a degree in Health Information Science.