
Undergraduate awards, scholarships & bursary

Through the WUSC (World University Service of Canada) program Atem Machar came to Canada and enrolled at the 番茄社区. Now, support from UVic donors is helping him complete his degree in Health Information Science.

Denis and Pat Protti Bursary

One or more bursaries are awarded to undergraduate or graduate students entering or continuing in the School of Health Information Science.

For more information visit:

Denis and Pat Protti Endowment Fund: Student Academic Travel Award


To support and enrich senior undergraduate students and graduate students in the School of Health Information Science.


June 30th


The funds may be used for travel expenses for either of the following:

  • For a short-term study at another organization or institution
  • To attend a scientific conference; preference will be given to a student who has had a poster or a paper accepted

In either case, the student will be expected to submit a written report for the school archives about their experience at the conference and deliver a seminar within a month of returning. 

Application form

Dr. Mowafa Househ Entrance Scholarship

Mowafa Househ graduated with a PhD from the School of Health Information Science in 2008 and has established the Dr. Mowafa Househ Entrance Scholarship. The first scholarship was awarded in January 2010.


  • A scholarship of $500 is awarded to an academically outstanding undergraduate student entering the School of Health Information Science from a British Columbia secondary school or college.
  • Preference will be given to a student from Northern BC (the area from Prince George north, including Prince George and Haida Gwaii).

The scholarship will be awarded every other year.  Approval of the recipient will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Health Information Science.  

Application Procedure

Undergraduate students will apply through the online application via Online tools.

Next disbursal September 2025.

Health Information Science Accessibility Award

Goal & Eligibility

This award will be made periodically to students in the School of Health Information Science whose ability to complete coursework or to participate effectively in the co-operative education work terms is compromised by some limitation. The objective of this award is to promote educational equity and accessibility for students with disabilities.
  • With due consideration of the effects of the limitation, students will be considered for the award on the basis of academic excellence.
  • Purchases will remain the property of the student at the conclusion of the program.

Application Procedure

Students must apply in writing to the attention of Director of the School of Health Information Science at his@uvic.ca.

James Coward Memorial Award


To assist undergraduate students with the expenses associated with accepting a co-op work term.


  • Undergraduate students in the School of Health Information Science participating in a co-op work term.
  • Preference will be given to students taking an international work term. 

Application Procedure

Students must submit applications electronically to the attention of Director of the School of Health Information Science at his@uvic.ca.

Application form


June 30th

Dr. Ken and Barbara Thornton Memorial Award


To support undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need.


An award is given to one or more undergraduate students enrolled in the School of Health Information Science who have been full-time residents of British Columbia for the preceding two years.

Application Procedure

Students must submit applications electronically to the attention of Director of the School of Health Information Science at his@uvic.ca.

Application form


June 30th 

MEDINFO Travel Award


MEDINFO Conferences are held every two years. To receive the award, the applicant must:

  • be a fully-admitted student in the School of Health Information Science;

  • have a paper accepted at a MEDINFO Conference;

  • apply for the award after receiving notification of acceptance of the paper.

Application Procedure

Students must submit applications electronically to the attention of Director of the School of Health Information Science at his@uvic.ca.

Michael Miller Scholarship


To support students with high academic achievement and to increase awareness about mental illness. 


Graduate students of the School of Health Information Science or undergraduate students entering their third or fourth year in the program.

Application Procedure

Students must submit applications electronically to the attention of Director of the School of Health Information Science at .

Such applications should include:

  • Application form
  • Confirmation of registration as a student in the School of Health Information Science.
  • A statement of academic performance.
  • An original essay on the topic of manic depression (bipolar disorder) not to exceed 2500 words, which must be submitted electronically. The essay should include an introduction/background section with reference to the literature on bipolar disorder. The body of the essay should discuss ways in which awareness of the disorder can be increased, including consideration of how health information science and applications are (or might be) applied to helping those with the disorder and making others more aware of the disorder. You should support your arguments and thoughts by citing appropriate literature.


June 30th 

Mrs. Annie Greskiw Scholarship in Health Information Science


Two awards are made annually to outstanding students proceeding to third or fourth year in the School of Health Information Science.

Applications from students are not required for this scholarship.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the Director of the School of Health Information Science.

Sheila Ryan and Eileen Ryan Award in Health Information Science

Goal & Eligibility

One or more awards are given to entering or continuing undergraduate or graduate students in the School of Health Information Science, with preference to students who have demonstrated financial need.

Application Procedure

Undergraduate students will apply through the online application via Online tools.


Entering undergraduate students: April 30th

Continuing undergraduate students: May 31st

For further information visit: Office of the Registrar - HINF Department Awards: /registrar/safa/entrance-scholarships/dept/HINF.php

Steven A. Huesing Memorial Entrance Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the School of Health Information in memory of Steven Huesing.


This gift will provide a scholarship to one or more academically outstanding undergraduate students entering the School of Health Information Science.

Applications from students are not required for this scholarship.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Health Information Science.


The late Steven A. Huesing was the editor and publisher of "Healthcare Information Management & Communications Canada", Executive Director, International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) and President, Canadian Healthcare Information Technology Trade Association (CHITTA), a Division of ITAC.

Considered to be one of the "pioneers" in the field, Mr. Huesing worked in the Health Industry and Informatics for over 40 years and held senior executive, CFO and CIO positions in healthcare facilities and government. He was the founding president of COACH: Canada's Healthcare Informatics Association, and served on the boards of many voluntary organizations as well as editorial boards of academic journals and conference proceedings. He served on several boards and advisory boards of companies and educational institutions in the health industry. COACH honored him by the granting an annual scholarship in his name to qualified Canadian health informatics students.

In 2002 he was the co-founder of the Canadian Healthcare Technology Trade Association (CHITTA) that had recently merged with the Information Technology of Canada.

Steven was the author of numerous articles, book chapters and editorials. Most recently he was the editor of "From Mainframe to Mainstream: The Evolution of COACH and Health Informatics in Canada" published by COACH in celebration of its 30th Anniversary. He was actively involved in Health Informatics curriculum development with several Universities, colleges and associations. He also served as a visiting lecturer on the vendor marketplace, strategic procurement and the history of Canadian Health Informatics.

Health Information Science Scholarship


One or more scholarships of $1,000 each are awarded to academically outstanding entering or continuing undergraduate students in the Health Information Science program.

Applications from students are not required for this scholarship.

Audrey May McCormick Scholarship


One or more scholarships are awarded to academically outstanding undergraduate students in the School of Health Information Science.

Applications from students are not required for this scholarship.

Approval of the recipients will be made by the Senate Committee on Awards upon the recommendation of the School of Health Information Science.

Cindy Kung Memorial Award for Women in Health Information Science


One or more awards are given to women undergraduate students continuing in the School of Health Information Science with a preference for students with demonstrated financial need.

To learn more about Cindy Kung, click here.

Application Procedure

Undergraduate students will apply through the online application via Online tools.


May 31st

For further information visit: Office of the Registrar - HINF Department Awards:

Doreen Sutherland Undergraduate Award for Permanent Residents, Protected Persons, and Refugee Women in Health Information Science


One or more awards are given to entering or continuing women undergraduate students in the School of Health Information Science. Preference will be given in the following order:

1. students who have protected person or refugee status, with preference for students who have financial need
2. students who have Canadian permanent resident status, with preference for students who have financial need
3. all other students, with preference for students who have financial need

Applicants meeting preference #1 must submit a letter from the Manager, International Student Advising that confirms protected person or refugee status.

Application Procedure

Undergraduate students will apply through the online application via Online tools


Entering undergraduate students: April 30th

Continuing undergraduate students: May 31st

For further information visit: Office of the Registrar - HINF Department Awards: /registrar/safa/entrance-scholarships/dept/HINF.php

Jack Howard Jackson Memorial Award

One or more awards are given to entering, continuing or transferring undergraduate Indigenous students with Canadian citizenship who have demonstrated financial need and who are enrolled in any of the following: the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, School of Nursing, School of Health Information Science or the Department of Psychology.

Application Procedure

Undergraduate students will apply through the online application via Online tools


Entering undergraduate students: April 30th

Continuing undergraduate students: May 31st

For further information visit: Office of the Registrar - HINF Department Awards: /registrar/safa/entrance-scholarships/dept/HINF.php