

We are proud to host a variety of national and international workshops and conferences in health informatics and digital health

VADA 2022

Visual and Automated Disease Analytics (VADA) Summer School 2022: Data Science and AI in Public Health Informatics.  The Summer School took place on Zoom from June 20th-22nd, 2022.  The presentations were recorded and are now available on the HINF YouTube channel. Presentations are now available on the HINF YouTube channel.

To see VADA program details, please click here

To watch these presentations, please click here.

Health Terminology Standards Seminar Series June 2022

Health terminology and data exchange standards are integral to the successful adoption of interoperable EHR systems. This public seminar series was part of the School of Health Information Science Graduate Certificate in Health Terminology Standards program and was facilitated by Dr. Francis Lau.  Presentations are now available on the HINF YouTube channel.

To watch these presentations, please click here.

Health Information Exchange Standards: Approaches, Applications and Implications - Virtual Mini-Conference May 2022

Health Information Exchange Standards: Approaches, Applications and Implications took place on May 18th - 19th and was facilitated by Dr. Francis Lau.  This virtual conference focused on Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Data Standards and Infoway Data Standards.  Presentations are now available on the HINF YouTube channel.

To watch these presentations, please click here.

Visual and Automated Disease Analytics Graduate Training Program July 2021

The VADA NSERC graduate training program is co-led at the Universtiy of Victoria by Dr. Andre Kushniruk and Dr. Elizabeth Borycki. The program is a joint initiative between the 番茄社区 and University of Manitoba. Through the VADA Program, trainees gain cutting-edge data science knowledge and skills in the areas of data visualization and analysis within a cooperative and experiential learning environment. In July of 2021 the School of Health Information Science provided the Summer School. Click here to watch the recordings.

Health Terminology Standards - Virtual Mini-Conference May 2021

As part of the Health Terminology Standards Certificate, a half-day virtual mini-conference was held to discuss efforts to improve health equity by incorporating social determinants of health data standards into digital health systems. For recordings and slides click here.

Information Technology and Communications in Health (ITCH) February 2019

The ITCH conference focused on Improving Usability, Safety and Patient Outcomes using Health Information Technology with over 190 participants from 15 countries from around the world attended workshops, the poster sessions and oral presentations. The conference proceedings have been published and are available through an open access at  and are indexed in Medline.