
Health Terminology Standards - Virtual Mini-Conference

Health Terminology Standards
 Virtual Mini-Conference
Incorporating Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Into Digital Health Systems


Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 9am - 12pm PT / 12pm - 3pm ET

Join us for this virtual mini-conference on SDOH Data Standards. You are welcome to attend any one or all three sessions.

Co-facilitated by and Francis Lau

Co-hosted by School of Health Information Science 番茄社区, , and


9 to 9:50am PT / 12 to 12:50pm ET ( &  now available)      
Equity Standards at CIHI
An overview of the social determinants of health, CIHI’s equity stratifiers, inequality measures, and inequality resources and future work for CIHI related to equity standards, analysis and reporting
Julie Stratton – 
Senior Researcher, Canadian Population Health Initiative
Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)

10 to 10:50am PT / 1 to 1:50pm ET ( now available & link to )

Social Determinants Data and Health Equity: Lessons from the Upstream Lab
Tackling social factors, to improve individual and population health
Andrew Pinto - 
Clinician Scientist, St. Michael’s Hospital
Founder of Upstream Lab
Associate Professor, University of Toronto

11 to 11:50am PT / 2 to 2:50pm ET ( &  now available) 
The Gravity Project 
Early reflections on the US initiative to create social risk data and data standards
Sarah DeSilvey - 
Director of Clinical Informatics, Gravity Project
Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner, Northwestern Georgia Health Center
Clinical Instructor, University of Vermont
