

American Medical Informatics Association

American Medical Informatics Association - AMIA "is the premier association in the United States dedicated to the development and application of medical informatics in the support of patient care, teaching, research, and health care administration." AMIA's mission is "to advance the public interest through charitable, scientific, literary, and educational activities."

Alliance for Healthier Communities

Alliance for Healthier Communities (formerly Association of Ontario Health Centres - AOHC) is the non-profit organization that represents community health centres (CHCs) and some health service organizations (HSOs) in the province of Ontario, Canada. AOHC activities support and promote the provision of community-based primary care, health promotion and illness prevention services. Our approach to community health includes a consideration of the broader factors that determine health such as education, employment, income, social support, environment and housing.

Canada's Health Informatics Association

Canada's Health Informatics Association, founded in 1975, is a leading and growing organization with a membership in excess of 750. It is in the forefront of the Canadian healthcare information resource and technology field by working co-operatively with health institutions, professions, associations, consultants, vendors of information technology and applications, government and regulatory organizations in the pursuit of its mandate.

Canadian Centres for Health Evidence

Canadian Centres for Health Evidence - The principal task of Centres of Health Evidence (CHE) is to package, disseminate, and present health knowledge in ways that facilitate its optimum use. Within a CHE, staff will monitor knowledge-based software and literature from a variety of public and private sources. Significant resources are identified, and for these items, structured summaries are developed to alert the user to the quality of evidence supporting health recommendations, the relative importance of recommendations, and how the needs of specific patients, practitioners and settings are addressed.

Canadian College of Health Leaders

The Canadian College of Health Leaders - CCHL (formerly the Canadian College of Health Service Executives - CCHSE) is a national not-for-profit professional association for health services management executives. The Canadian College is committed to leadership in improving the health of Canadians through excellence in health services management. The College provides leadership in the Canadian health system for excellence in health services management by developing and promoting quality standards, research, certification and professional development.

Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research

The Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research - CAHSPR (formerly Canadian Health Economics Research Association / Association Canadienne pour la recherche en economie de la Sante - CHERA/ACRES) is a national membership-based non-profit organization which promotes Canadian health research. Its members come from a variety of backgrounds, including health economics, health services research, health policy, health care administration, epidemiology, medicine, nursing and political science. Members function at all levels of research and decision-making, ranging from federal and provincial departments of health to health care research units and regional health bodies.

Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement

The mission of the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement - CFHI (formerly Canadian Health Services Research Foundation - CHSRF) is to sponsor and promote applied health systems research, to enhance its quality and relevance, and to facilitate its use in evidence-based decision making by policy makers and health systems managers.

Canadian Institute for Health Information

The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) is an independent, national, not-for-profit organization working to improve the health of Canadians and the health care system by providing quality, reliable and timely health information.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is Canada's premier federal agency for health research. Its objective is to excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge and its translation into improved health for Canadians, more effective health services and products and a strengthened health care system.

Canadian Association for Global Health

The Canadian Association for Global Health - CAGH (formerly Canadian Society for International Health - CSIH) is committed to the promotion of international health and development. Through the mobilization of Canadian resources, CSIH advocates and facilitates research, education and service activities in international health. The Society seeks to further progressive health policy and programming in all fields where global and domestic health concerns meet. Building on the past work of Society members and colleagues, CSIH actively contributes to the evolving global understanding of health and development.

Capital Regional District

The Capital Regional District serves the citizens by providing and co-ordinated selected high quality local, regional and municipal services for the citizens of the municipalities and electoral areas of the Capital Region.

Health Information Research Unit

The Health Information Research Unit (HIRU) at McMaster University conducts research in the field of health information science and is dedicated to the generation of new knowledge about the nature of health and clinical information problems, the development of new information resources to support evidence-based health care, and the evaluation of various innovations in overcoming health care information problems.

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting a better understanding of health care information and management systems. HIMSS represents over 6,000 clinical systems, information systems, management engineering and telecommunications professionals. HIMSS' mission is providing leadership in health care for the management of systems, information, and change through high-quality publications and educational opportunities. The society is regarded as an resource to health care professionals, policy makers, product developers, and those whose goal is the continuous improvement of the health care delivery system.

Instituto do Cora莽ao


Instituto do Coraçao

O InCor é um dos mais completos centros especializados no campo da cardiologia no país, ocupando posiçao de hospital de referência nessa especialidade.

Orientadas pelos mesmos objetivos que norteiam a filosofia de trabalho do Hospital das Clínicas, as atividades do Instituto do Coraçao podem ser agrupadas em programas de assistência, ensino, pesquisa e desenvolvimento, e educaçao para a saúde da comunidade.

Heart Institute

InCor is one of the most comprehensive cardiology centres in the country and serves the role of referral hospital in this speciality.

Guided by the same objectives that drive the philosophy of clinical hospitals, the activities of the Heart Institute include medical care, instruction, research and development, and community health education.

International Medical Informatics Association

International Medical Informatics Association -Since 1978, a group of professionals has been active within the framework of IFIP and under the name of IMIA, with the objective of serving the specific needs of the application of information technology in the field of health care and biomedical research.

Medical Technology and Practice Patterns Institute

The Medical Technology and Practice Patterns Institute - Located in Washington, DC, MTPPI is a WHO Collaborating Center on Technology Assessment. MTPPI is responsible for publishing the Directory of Health Technology Assessment Organizations Worldwide, a compilation of information about 131 government agencies, university groups, and private health research organizations from 27 countries that specialize in assessing health-care technologies (medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and medical and surgical procedures). It catalogs health technology assessment activities in the U.S. and around the world, providing decision-makers, researchers, and other health professionals with a status report on this growing field as well as a valuable resource in the search for both information and potential partners.


The National Library of Medicine's (NLM) premier bibliographic database covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the preclinical sciences. Contains bibliographic citations (e.g., authors, title, and journal reference) and author abstracts from about 3,800 biomedical journals published in the United States and 70 foreign countries during the current four years. The process of selecting journals for inclusion is described in the Fact Sheet, .

Virtual Hospital Brazil

A Resource of the Network Information Center for Medicine and Health (National Research Network) Center for Biomedical Informatics, State University of Campinas, BRAZIL.