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Linda Hui Shi

Linda Shi of the Gustavson School of Business

Associate Professor

Office: BEC 210 250-721-6408
BA in Finance, Sun Yat-Sen (Zhong Shan) University, Guangzhou, China; PhD, Eli Broad School of Business, Michigan State University
Area of expertise:
Marketing strategy/global marketing strategy, marketing in Asia pacific region, China marketing, luxury product consumption and counterfeit research, business-to-business customer relationship management


Linda Hui Shi is an associate professor of marketing and international business in the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, 番茄社区, Canada. Her research interests include global marketing strategy, China marketing, customer relationship management, global account management, and luxury product consumption and counterfeit research. She specializes in global account management (GAM) research, which lies at the heart of global business-to-business research. She has published consecutively in the GAM area to advance our understanding on multinational corporation’s marketing practices to manage the most important global customer.

Linda has published in numerous scholarly publications including Journal of International Business Studies, Management International Review, Journal of International Marketing, International Business Review, Journal of Business Research, Business Horizons and Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, among others. She is a winner of IMR Best Paper Award in Academy International Business 2011 Conference and former winner of the ISBM Business Marketing Doctoral Support Award Competition for her dissertation proposal about global account management capability.

She teaches in the areas of international marketing, organizational research methods and marketing principles. Before undertaking her PhD in marketing at MSU, she worked at Procter & Gamble's China headquarters and was responsible for several key projects about inventory reduction, supplier and customer management and cost accounting process optimization. Linda won an "Excellent Contribution" award from the company in recognition of her work on inventory management.


Courses taught

  • Research Methods Fundamentals (PhD)
  • Research Methods Overview in Management (PhD)
  • International Business Environment I (MBA)
  • International Marketing and Global Strategy (MGB)
  • International Marketing (BCom)
  • Marketing Principles and Management (BCom)
  • Selected Topics in Management (BCom)
  • Selected Topics: Doing Business in China (BCom)
  • International Work Study (BCom)
  • ISIBM - International Business (Executive Programs)

Selected publications

Journal publications

Qin, Y., Shi L. H., Stöttinger, B., & Cavusgil, E. (2019). Neither an authentic product or a counterfeit: Growing popularity of Shanzhai products in global markets.” Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 36(3), 291-453. 

Qin, Y., Shi, L. H., Song, L., Stöttinger, B., & Tan, K. (2018). Integrating consumers’ motives with suppliers’ solutions to combat Shanzhai – A phenomenon beyond counterfeit. Business Horizons, 61(2), 229-239. 

Liu, Y., Li, Y., Shi, L. H., & Liu, T. (2017). Knowledge Transfer in Buyer-Supplier Relationships: The Role of Transactional and Relational Governance Mechanisms. Journal of Business Research, 78 (September), 285-293. 

Shi, L. H. & Gao, T. (2016). Performance Effects of Global Account Coordination Mechanisms: An Integrative Study of Boundary Conditions. Journal of International Marketing, 24 (2), 1-21. 

Gao, T. & Shi, L. H. (2012). How Do Multinational Suppliers Formulate Global Account Coordination Mechanisms? -- An Integrative Framework and Empirical Study. Journal of International Marketing, 19(4), 61-87. 

Shi, L. H. and Wu, F. (2011). Dealing with Market Dynamism: The Role of Reconfiguration in Global Account Management. Management International Review, 51(5), p635-663.

Shi, L. H., White, J.C., Shaoming. Z., Tamer Cavusgil, S. (2010). Global Account Management Strategies: Drivers and Outcomes. Journal of International Business Studies, 41 (4), p 620-638. 

Spreng, R., Shi, L. H., & Thomas, J.P. (2009). Service Quality and Satisfaction in Business-to-Business Services. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 24 (8), p537-548. 


Shi, L. H., Cui, A., & Jiang, L. (2019). Bicultural Identity’s Influence on Luxury Product Counterfeit Purchase. China Marketing International Conference (CMIC) 2019 in Guangzhou, China.

Shi, L. H. & Danis, W. (2019). International Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition: A Two Country Study. AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference 2019 in Buenos Aries, Argentine.

Shi, L. H. & Danis, W. (2019). Dynamic Capabilities and International Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition: Discovery, Creation, and Serendipity. AIB Conference 2019 in Copenhagen.

Shi, L. H. and Danis, W. (2018). The Role of Dynamic Capabilities in International Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition. 27th Annual CIMaR Conference, September 12-15, 2018 Atlanta, USA.

Song, J., Shi, L. H., Li, J., & Wei, Y. (2018). The Effects of Entrepreneurial Innovation and Institutional Support on Export Performance: Evidence from Emerging Market Firms. 27th Annual CIMaR Conference, September 12-15, 2018 Atlanta, USA.

Shi, L. H. (2018). Global Account Management: Dynamic Capabilities, Strategies, and Business Environments. AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference May 21-23 2018, Santorini, Greece.

Shi, L. H., Peng Cui, A., & Jiang, L. (2018). Counterfeiting Luxury Consumption and Perceived Regret: The Role of Social Identity. AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference May 21-23 2018, Santorini, Greece.

Shi, L. H. & Danis, W. (2017). Exploring the International Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition Archetypes: Discovery, Creation and Serendipity. Presented at the Competitive Track at the 21st McGill Conference on International Entrepreneurship (MIE) hosted by NUI Galway on August 30th – September 1st 2017.

Song, J., Shi, L. H., Li, J., Yinhong Su, S. (2017). The Effects of Entrepreneurial Innovation and Institutional Support on Export Performance: Evidence from Emerging Market Firms. Proceedings of 2017 Summer AMA Conference, San Francisco, CA on August 4-6, 2017.

Ling, J., Gao, H., & Shi, L. H. (2017). Power Distance Belief, Social-Function Attitude and Luxury Consumption. The 26th Annual CIMaR Conference, June 20-23, 2017 Florence, Italy.

Shi, L. H. & Danis, W. (2016). What are International Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition Archetypes: Discovery, Creation and Serendipity? Presented at the Competitive Track at the 25th Annual CIMaR Conference, the Consortium for International Marketing Research Conference hosted by Xi’an Jiaotong Univeristy, Xi’an, China, June 2016.

Shi, L. H. Aligning Boundary Spanning Capabilities across Organizational Unit and Individual Levels in Global Account Management. Institute for the Study of Business Markets Biennial Academic Conference 2016.

Awards & grants

Recognition & awards

  • 2011 - IMR Best Paper, Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Nagoya, Japan



  • “Will Consumers with Independent or High Power Distance Culture Values Choose Insignificant Brand Logo?” Funded by UVic Gustavson Executive Research Grant (May 1, 2017) ($2,500.00), Completed, Fall 2017, PI Linda Shi
  • “American Marketing Association, Global Marketing SIG Conf.”, Funded by UVic Office of Research Services Travel Grant (April 3, 2017 - March 30, 2018) ($1,250.00), Completed, Spring 2017, CoPI Linda Shi


  • “How do Accessible Cultural Values Influence Bicultural Consumers' Inconspicuous versus Conspicuous, Genuine versus Counterfeit Luxury Product Purchase”, Funded by SSHRC (April 3, 2017 - March 31, 2020) ($87,988.00), Funded - In Progress, Spring 2017, CoInvestigator Linda Shi with PI Huachao Gao, CoInvestigator Yinlong Zhang
  • “Bicultural Consumers' Luxury Product Choice: Will Consumers with Independent Culture Values Choose Inconspicuous Brand?” Funded by Carolan Institute Research Funding (March 27, 2017) ($6,500.00), Funded - In Progress, Spring 2017, PI Linda Shi with CoInvestigator Ling Jiang