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Sustainable operations at Gustavson

At CSSI, it is important that we don’t just pay lip service to sustainability, but that we walk the talk. CSSI leads the conversation at Gustavson, making sure that our actions reflect our values. By weaving sustainability into the fabric of both our culture and operations, CSSI leads by example and fosters a commitment to sustainable practices throughout the school.

Report on Gustavson's carbon footprint

For over a decade, CSSI has partnered with a local organization to create an annual carbon emissions inventory for the school.


  • 2023 had a total carbon footprint of 883 tCO2e
  • Scope 3 emissions are responsible for 80% of total carbon footprint
  • 77% of carbon footprint is through commuting and travel
  • 7.8% reduction in our carbon footprint when comparing 2023 versus baseline of 2019
  • Target is 766 tCO2e, a reduction of 24% from 2019 baseline

Carbon footprint by scope

Scope 1

168 tCO2e

Scope 2

6.4 tCO2e

Scope 3

708 tCO2e

 Carbon footprint by area

Item tCO2e
Natural gas 168
Electricity 6.42
Paper 0.57
Energy losses 28.7
Waste 2.12
Commuting 115
Staff travel 200
BCom travel 149
Graduate travel 211
Total 883

Carbon footprint by year

Year tCO2e
2019 957
2020 334
2021 406
2022 664
2023 883

Carbon offsetting

Gustavson offsets its Scope 3 emissions through the Carbon Offset Pitch Competition.

Gustavon’s current portfolio:

  • (consists of gold standard-certified projects and projects in Canada)

Develop strategies to reduce carbon

Tackling emissions is a complex challenge, especially in the context of international business where global connectedness is essential. While tracking and offsetting emissions are important steps, we understand that they alone are not sufficient. That's why we have been developing strategies and tools to help reduce emissions.

As part of these efforts, CSSI recently launched a sustainable travel guide. This guide serves as one measure among many that CSSI has taken to educate Gustavson students, faculty, staff and the community about minimizing their carbon footprint, particularly when travelling.

Promote Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at Gustavson

It is essential that the SDGs don’t end in the classroom. To help integrate the SDGs throughout Gustavson, CSSI has:

  • improved the recycling program to accept soft plastic, styrofoam, batteries and face masks
  • developed awareness campaigns, posters and more
  • hosted sustainability education events and initiatives for staff and faculty

Connect with us

Interested in learning more about sustainable operations initiatives at Gustavson and what we are doing to address this priority? Reach out to our office:
