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Earth and Ocean Sciences (PhD)

In your PhD, you will work within a community of diverse and innovative research, preparing a final dissertation that will show your hard work and research focus.

You’ll have the opportunity to study integrated multidisciplinary programs in geology, geophysics, oceanography and atmosphere and climate sciences.

This research will be supplemented by coursework and a candidacy exam. Your dissertation will highlight your achievements and advance our knowledge the world around us.

Expected length Project or thesis Course-based
2-4 years Yes No

Quick facts

Program options:
Study options:
Full-time study
Program delivery:
Dynamic learning:
Co-op optional

Find a supervisor

PhD students must have a faculty member who serves as their academic supervisor. When you apply:

  • you must list a potential supervisor on your application
  • this faculty member must agree to be your supervisor and recommend your admission

To find a supervisor, review the faculty contacts. When you’ve found a faculty member whose research complements your own, contact them by email.

Adam Monahan

Professor Theoretical climate dynamics; boundary-layer meteorology; stochastic processes in ocean/atmosphere science; modelling biogeochemical dynamics; climate statistics

Andrew Weaver

Professor Climate change policy, research, solutions, and communications; formerly focused on the role of the oceans in climate change/variability; ocean/climate modelling; palaeoclimate; physical oceanography; geophysical fluid dynamics

Andy Fraass

Assistant Professor Micropalaeontology; palaeoceanography; palaeobiology; Earth history; macroevolution; sedimentation; stratigraphy

Anne-Sofie Ahm

Assistant Professor Isotope geochemistry; seawater chemistry; carbonate diagenesis; long-term carbon cycle; geobiology

Blake Dyer

Assistant Professor Earth history; sedimentology and stratigraphy; isotope geochemistry of carbonates; sea level change

Colin Goldblatt

Associate Professor & Climate Science Advisor An Earth System view on atmospheres: evolution of Earth鈥檚 atmospheric composition; climate physics (deep palaeoclimate, dynamical climatology, radiative transfer, climate modelling); terrestrial planet evolution (solar system and exoplanets)

Dante Canil

Professor Experimental and igneous petrology; mantle and crustal evolution; geothermobarometry; deep earth geochemical cycles

Diana Varela

Professor & Associate Dean, Academic Advising Biological oceanography; biogeochemical cycles; phytoplankton physiology and ecology; variations in marine primary productivity and export production; phytoplankton utilization of nitrogen, silicon, and carbon; silicon isotopic fractionation by diatoms

Edwin Nissen

Professor Earthquakes; active tectonics; imaging geodesy; earthquake seismology; tectonic geomorphology

Jay Cullen

Director & Professor Chemical oceanography; marine biogeochemistry of trace metals; bio-inorganic chemistry; palaeoceanography and global change; stable isotope geochemistry; development of novel techniques for trace metals

Jody Klymak

Professor & Ocean Science Mentor Physical oceanography: waves, turbulence, fronts, eddies; processes that dissipate energy from the mean ocean circulation and mediate the mixing of momentum, heat, salt, and passive tracers

John Dower

Professor & Associate Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies Biological and fisheries oceanography; zooplankton ecology; effects of biophysical coupling on the structure and productivity of pelagic marine ecosystems

Jon Husson

Associate Professor & Undergraduate Advisor Earth history; stratigraphy; sedimentary carbonates; stable isotope geochemistry; U-Pb geochronology

Laurence Coogan

Professor The role of the oceanic lithosphere in the Earth system; controls on ocean chemistry; the long-term carbon cycle; hydrothermal fluxes; petrology/geochemistry

Lucinda Leonard

Assistant Professor & Honours Advisor Current tectonics, especially of western North America; seismic and tsunami hazard assessment

Roberta Hamme

Professor & Graduate Advisor Chemical oceanography; dissolved gases; ocean carbon cycle and sequestration; air-sea interaction and water mass formation; marine productivity rates; denitrification; BGC-Argo floats; mass spectrometric gas measurements

Ruohong Jiao

Assistant Professor Fission-track and (U-Th)/He thermochronology; orogenic processes; landscape evolution modelling

Stan Dosso

Professor Ocean acoustics and geoacoustics; marine-mammal acoustics; earthquake seismology; geophysical inverse theory

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Application deadlines

Applications may be submitted at any time.

You can choose to enter the program in September, January or May.

Applications may be submitted at any time.

You can choose to enter the program in September, January or May.

You should get your paperwork in order as soon as possible. Processing times are often lengthy and can delay your program entry.

Admission requirements

Program specific requirements

You must have a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in Earth and Ocean Sciences or a closely-related science.

As part of your application, you must submit:

  • A one-page statement of intended study
  • A current résumé
  • Two reference names and their email addresses
  • Post-secondary transcripts



Program specific requirements

You must have a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in Earth and Ocean Sciences or a closely-related science.

As part of your application, you must submit:

  • A one-page statement of intended study
  • A current résumé
  • Two reference names and their email addresses
  • Post-secondary transcripts

Completion requirements

View the minimum course requirements for this program.

View the minimum course requirements for this program.

Funding & aid

Tuition & fees

Estimated minimum program cost*

* Based on an average program length. For a per term fee breakdown view the tuition fee estimator.

Estimated values determined by the tuition fee estimator shall not be binding to the 番茄社区.

Ready to apply?

You can start your online application to UVic by creating a new profile or using an existing one.

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Need help?

Contact Catherine Duncan at seosgsec@uvic.ca or 250-472-5133.

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