
Gifts in memory

Gifts in Memory

Making an in memoriam or in honour donation (tribute donation)

To make a donation in memory or in honour of someone, simply indicate the name of the person that the donation is in memory or in honour of on the online donation form, or include the name in the note section of your cheque. You can also make a donation on or by phone 250-721-8967.

If you would like us to notify the family or honouree that you have made a tribute donation, please indicate this on the online donation form or in the note section of your cheque.

Setting up a tribute fund

You can choose to set up a tribute fund at UVic in memory of someone special or in honour of a person, special event or anniversary, in order to create a lasting tribute to them. Your fund can be designated to support a faculty or a specific program or to create a named annual or endowed student award.

UVic will send a letter of thanks and tax receipt to each donor. Regular donor reports are mailed out to notify the family or honouree of donations received (donor names are provided if the donors have given permission for release) and an update of total funds raised.

For more information or to inform us of gifts requested in someone’s memory or honour, please contact:

Manager, Legacy Giving: Kristy Colpron
Phone: 250-721-8967
