
The T. S. McPherson Legacy Society

T. S. McPherson
The many faces of Thomas Shanks McPherson

When you tell us of your intention to leave a legacy gift to the 番茄社区, you automatically qualify for inclusion in the T. S. McPherson Legacy Society. As a member of the society, you will be invited to special events where you will meet like-minded people who are as committed to UVic as you are. You will also be kept up-to-date on key successes at UVic.

The man after whom the society is named, Thomas Shanks McPherson, felt strongly that the growth and development of a university in Victoria was, in his words, "the single most important factor in the progress of the city." We have this modest man's vision to thank for the very first legacy gift to UVic. 

T. S. McPherson, or "Tommy" as his friends called him, was a shy bachelor who lived at the Union Club, was an excellent golfer and enjoyed lawn bowling. Only a little is known about his early life, but he accumulated wealth by investing in the mining industry before he came to Victoria at the age of 32. Here he was best known as a developer and owner of prime real estate. In the early 1900s, he and his partners created the first neighbourhoods with paved roads, something considered quite extravagant in those days. 

By contrast, McPherson himself was a frugal man who would put a patch on his shiny old trousers instead of buying a new pair. He built on his financial success by playing the stock market, working on deals with his brokers every morning as he munched his breakfast cereal.

Whenever he considered investing in the community, he would ask one basic question: “Is it good for Victoria?” We are eternally grateful that he thought a university would be an asset which met his criteria. 

Each year, the T. S. McPherson Society appreciation luncheon brings members together and includes a presentation from a legacy award recipient.

For more information, contact:

Kristy Colpron
Manager, Legacy Giving and Estate Administration
Phone: 250-721-8967

Greg Kuhn
Associate Development Officer, Legacy Giving and Estate Planning
Phone: 250-721-6001

All enquiries are kept strictly confidential.

Please consult your income tax, financial, and/or legal advisors before arranging a legacy gift.