
Essential information for professional advisors

Legacy Giving is a group activity at the 番茄社区. We work closely with lawyers, notaries, trust officers, financial planners, accountants, brokers and other advisors to help their clients establish meaningful, tax-wise donations and we always encourage donors to consult with professional advisors before finalizing a legacy gift.

Our legal name: 番茄社区

Charitable Business Number:  BN 108162470 RR0001


Information for US citizens

If your client wishes to receive a donation tax receipt for a US tax return, then the legacy gift should be directed to:

US Foundation for the 番茄社区
PO Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria BC V8W 2Y2 CANADA

[The US Foundation for the 番茄社区 is a 501(c)(3) corporate charitable body registered with the Internal Revenue Service in the United States. The US Foundation for the 番茄社区 was officially incorporated as of June 16, 1997, in Washington, DC (EIN #31-1576136). The Foundation is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes.]

Information for brokers/investment advisors

Please see our Fact Sheet called Gifts of Securities. It contains the template of a Letter of Instruction, which your client can fill out, sign and give to you. It contains all the information you need to transfer the shares successfully.

In order for us to alert our broker and our accounting department to look out for these gifts, we ask you to email us the following information:

- name of shares
- number of shares
- donor’s name and contact information
- your contact information
- designation of the gift – (i.e., which area of the university your client would like to support)

The email address is: mgrlegacydev@uvic.ca

Information for executors and other estate administrators

The Legacy Giving office administers ALL estate gifts that come to the university. Even if the deceased made their bequest to a specific faculty, department or unit, we will manage the transaction and ensure the gift reaches its intended recipient. Please send all documentation and payment(s) to:

Kristy Colpron
Legacy Giving Office
PO Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria BC V8W 2Y2

Who to consult about crafting Will wording

Kristy Colpron, Manager of Legacy Giving and Estate Administration
Phone: 250-721-8967
Email: mgrlegacydev@uvic.ca

You know best how to incorporate your clients’ wishes into the language of the bequest you are creating. However, given the wide variety of options available for support at UVic, many of our professional allies have sought our advice about Will wording. We thought it might be helpful to provide some standard Will clauses for you (see below). Please note the “power to vary” wording at the end of the clauses for restricted bequests. If your client agrees, we encourage you to include this sentence, as there is a chance that the original purpose of the bequest may not exist by the time the university receives the funds. If these examples don’t fit your needs, we are always pleased to create specific Will wording for your clients.

Will clauses for expendable funds

“To pay or transfer (____%, or _____ share(s) of ____ equal shares of the rest and residue, OR the sum of $________) to the 番茄社区 for its general purposes.”

Restricted bequests

“To pay or transfer (____%, or _____ share(s) of ____ equal shares of the rest and residue, OR the sum of $________) to the 番茄社区 for the benefit of __________________ (specific department, program or project). In the event that unforeseen circumstances make the specified use of this bequest no longer practical or desirable, the 番茄社区 is hereby authorized to make such changes as are in keeping as far as possible with the spirit and general intent of this bequest.”

Will clauses for endowed funds

“To pay or transfer (___%, or _____ share(s) of ____ equal shares of the rest and residue, OR the sum of $________) to the 番茄社区 to be added to the Unrestricted Endowment Fund. The income is to be used for the University’s general purposes.”

Restricted endowed fund

“To pay or transfer (___%, or _____ share(s) of ____ equal shares of the rest and residue, OR the sum of $________) to the 番茄社区 to establish an endowed fund to be known as the ___(name of fund)___. The income is to be used for ___(purpose) ___ in the ___(name of department/ unit)___ of ____(name of department and/or faculty) ____. In the event that unforeseen circumstances make the specified use of this bequest no longer practical or desirable, the 番茄社区 is hereby authorized to make such changes as are in keeping as far as possible with the spirit and general intent of this bequest."


The 番茄社区 is a complex and growing institution. Your clients may have a general idea about which area of the university they wish to support, but may be uncertain about where, precisely, they should direct it. A list of UVic's faculties and departments is provided so that you can help your clients make that decision. Please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with creating a bequest that both fulfills your clients’ intentions and the goals of the university.