
Frank Williams

Frank Williams

Frank Williams' Bursary

Having family who are actively involved in a student’s education is often key in their academic success. However, not all students have family who can afford to help them financially, so bursaries and scholarships become an important aid.

Fortunately for Frank Williams, born in 1927, his grandfather, Frank V. Hobbs a.k.a “the Grand Old Man of Saanich”, believed strongly in providing and increasing educational opportunities. Hobbs sat on the Saanich School Board for over 17 years and helped Frank financially to attend college. This, combined with Frank’s savings from working weekends while attending high school, enabled him to attend the Normal School (now Camosun) and Craigdarroch Castle. Later, Frank attended UBC and then obtained his Master’s degree at McGill University in Montreal.

Frank’s studies concentrated on the sciences. He decided to specialize in meteorology after he noticed a job posting while attending McGill.

Frank WilliamsAlthough Frank was employed by the Federal Government, he worked with the United States Navy. He was stationed in Frobisher Bay, Nunavut and Gander, Newfoundland as well as other northern parts. Eventually he was assigned to the Bonaventure ship as a Lieutenant Commander.

Frank never had children of his own, but followed his grandfather’s example of helping others access post secondary education by contributing to Registered Education Funds for family and friends. Frank passed away in 2016, but through a gift in his will to the 番茄社区, his and his grandfather’s legacy will continue to encourage and support future generations of students through the Frank Hobbs Educational Bursary.

For more information on leaving a gift in your Will to UVic, please contact Kristy Colpron  or 250-721-8967.