
Bob Ford


Teeing up for a bright future 

"In golf, as in life, obstacles are placed in our path. In overomcing these roadblocks, our greatest triumphs occur." ~ Chicken Soup for the Golfer Soul.

Robert (Bob) W. Ford was born in Victoria on September 28, 1916 and the early years of his life weren't always easy. His father died tragically when Bob was four years old and his mother struggled to make ends meet for Bob and his older sister. 

Recognizing at a young age that money was scarce, Bob began to caddy at the Uplands Golf Course on weekends and after school, giving his mother any money he made. The Uplands course became another home for Bob and a lifelong love of the game began. In 1927, five years after the club opened, at the ripe old age of 11, Bob became one of the club's youngest members.

As an adult, Bob worked for many years with the Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation (CMHC) in Ottawa and Vancouver but upon retirement he returned to Victoria and the golf course he loved the most. He golfed almost daily well into his 80s with golfing buddies of all ages and became the longest active member of Uplands Golf Club. He loved the game of golf and enjoyed the many friendships he acquired in the golfing community.

When Bob died in 2004, the 番茄社区 was notified that he had left a generous gift in his Will to establish student awards and provide funding for university-led initiatives. His legacy has enabled hundreds of UVic students pursue a post-secondary education through scholarships in math and medicine, bursaries and graduate scholarships in any discipline and, of course, a golf award. 

"He [Bob] was a very good teacher of golf with short, clear suggestions and positive comments and a strong supporter of practice makes for a better player. He truly believed in helping young people to attain their potential" ~ a friend and golfing buddy of Bob's~.  

For more information on leaving a gift in your Will to UVic, please contact Kristy Colpron  or 250-721-8967.