
MMus in Performance

Our MMus in Performance program offers a unique experience focused on individual mentorship and professional development as teachers, coaches, mentors, and collaborators in ways that far exceed what other programs offer. We also offer two specialized performance degrees:

Study one-on-one

Graduate students are admitted on a one-to-one basis to study with specific faculty. It is rare for a faculty member to have more than a few graduate students at a given time, which means our students receive individualized attention from their supervisors while also acting as role models and mentors for our undergraduates. 

Learn from the best

Our faculty have experience in internationally renowned ensembles while maintaining careers as solo and chamber musicians. Graduate students receive similar training, combining expert coaching in small, large, and solo genres of performance.

Our faculty also arrange performance opportunities with professional ensembles for our students on a regular basis.

The academic side of our program is also unique. Many of our academic faculty have performance backgrounds and maintain active careers as professional and studio musicians. Our academic seminars  are designed with performers in mind, providing broad training in topics important for interpreters of historical and contemporary music.

Application requirements

Acceptance to the program requires specialization at an advanced level in a specific instrument. The audition repertoire should reflect a level of difficulty and variety appropriate for a graduate program and be at least 30 minutes in duration.

Interested students are strongly encouraged to contact the primary instructor of their instrument to discuss repertoire. 

In addition to the standard application for admission, recorded video auditions are due by December 31. You may upload your recording to YouTube or the streaming service of your choice and send the link to musi@uvic.ca. Auditions may be recorded in one take, or in separate takes for each piece (played through).

Internal candidates may either audition in person or use their BMus degree recital as their audition, provided that the recital takes place before March 1.