
MMus in Composition

Our MMus in Composition is a project-based master’s degree that offers students the freedom to explore and develop a personal compositional perspective while gaining valuable conceptual and technical skills in their course work. The degree culminates in a major composition project that demonstrates your creative vision.


Renowned for our commitment to experimentation and innovation, our program defines these principles in a comprehensive and expansive manner. We seek applicants with a strong inclination to challenge the limits of their artistic practice, embracing conceptual, technical, and aesthetic exploration. We encourage applicants from diverse musical practices including instrumental concert composition, production and sound-based practices, performer-composer paradigms, vernacular music, computer and electronic music, inter-media practices, improvisation, and cross-genre hybridization.


Throughout their studies, students work towards a substantial composition project. Individual and group composition meetings cultivate a supportive environment where students not only learn from one another but also foster a community of dedicated composers. The curriculum comprises essential areas of study including theory, research methods, and collaborative creation. Furthermore, graduate students have the flexibility to select elective courses based on personal interests, spanning various disciplines such as theory, musicology and sound studies, music technology, and performance. 

At UVic, numerous avenues are available to have your music showcased. We prioritize collaboration with the performance program, fostering an environment that encourages you to collaborate with your fellow musicians. Moreover, you will be provided opportunities to write for school ensembles such as the UVic Wind Symphony, and the UVic Symphony Orchestra. We regularly attract accomplished guest composers, performers, and scholars who contribute to the vibrant creation and research of music.

Our Alumni

Our program boasts a track record of graduates who have gone on to establish successful careers as professional composers, arrangers, sound designers, educators, and administrators at national and international levels. Numerous graduates decide to further pursue academic research in music, exploring technological, theoretical, and cultural aspects of music composition. With a high level of community engagement, we take pride in being a coastal school that offers something unique to composers of all backgrounds.

Apply to Composition

In addition to the standard application for admission, applicants should submit:

  • Scores (if applicable) and recordings of three recent works. Scores must be in PDF format. Recordings should be submitted as links on an online platform (YouTube, Soundcloud, Dropbox, Google Drive). A document containing links to your work can be included with your application under the Additional Documents section.
  • A one-page proposal for research and creative activity. Outline your desired goals for the program and provide any intentions for your capstone MMus composition project.