
MMus in Musicology

Musicology at UVic is an interdisciplinary endeavour. Our dedicated faculty coordinates our offerings with theory, performance, composition, and music technology to provide students with a diversity of perspectives. 

While the core of our program emphasizes the role of academic research in the study and promotion of music, we offer thesis- and project-based degrees that can be tailored to your professional aspirations, from continued graduate work in musicology and library science, to careers in music entrepreneurship, marketing, or administration. 

We also offer a unique Musicology with Performance degree that combines a research-based approach to musicology with instrumental lessons and a performance component, resulting in a combined lecture-recital and research project (see below).

Our core faculty covers Western music from the Renaissance through the twentieth century, with special emphasis on cross-domain studies involving music and other subjects (music and publishing, music and literature, music and fine art, music and philosophy, music and critical theory, etc).  Combined with our composition, performance, and MTech faculties (and related courses in sound studies), we extend this core research expertise to a number of different domains. These opportunities help our students to remain active and involved as participants in local and international communities via their research interests and ambitions.

Apply to Musicology

In addition to the standard application for admission, applicants should submit:

  • two examples of their work in the field of musicology (such as substantial research papers or projects with itemized bibliographies)
  • a personal statement that demonstrates the suitability of our program to your research interests and professional goals.

All musicology students are required to demonstrate a good reading knowledge of a foreign language relevant to the candidate’s intended field of specialization. The applicant’s present level of ability in this language should be indicated in the personal statement. Those who do not submit such evidence will be required to pass language examinations before work on the thesis begins. 

MA in Musicology with Performance

The MA in Musicology with Performance is designed to provide students with musicological research training that focuses on performance-related inquiries and professional development. Students in this program often structure their musicological research around their performance instrument or repertoire, although we encourage any and all levels of participation with any type of musical genre. 

Students interested in Musicology with Performance are required to submit the same materials as above; they must also arrange for an audition with a specific performance instructor as described under the admission process for the MMus in Performance. If a student has an interest in an alternative path (such as lessons or performance activities in jazz, conducting, popular music, or electronic music), we recommend they contact the head of musicology directly.

PhD in Musicology

Our PhD in Musicology is highly selective. Students must submit two writing samples and a personal statement. Details on our PhD program requirements are available in the .