
Co-op education program

Josie Greenhill adjusting a display in the UVic Library
Josie Greenhill says her co-op experience gave her a taste of what a career in museum archives could be like, and confirmed her passion for the study of art history.
With the hands-on experience, I have gained as a co-op student, I have given myself a better chance of succeeding in this field, not to mention get a preview of the day-to-day in various museum roles.

Josie Greenhill, Curatorial Assistant co-op student at the UVic Legacy Art Galleries

Co-op is an optional addition to your degree that enables you to acquire knowledge, practical skills for employment and workplace experience.

A work term consists of four months of full-time paid employment. You would alternate a term of study with a term of co-op work. Undergraduate students must complete three work terms in order to receive a co-op designation on their degree upon graduation.

Other work study options

Fine arts work experience program

Complete one or two work experience terms (four to eight months) of full-time, discipline-related work. Participation in this program is limited. You may transfer to a regular co-op program subject to the approval by the co-op coordinator. 

Fine arts post-study internship program

Complete an internship placement after all of your course work has been completed and prior to graduation. Internships are normally of four months’ duration. These internship placements may not be applied toward the graduation requirements for any co-op or work experience program. Participation in this program is limited.