

PhD student Ambreen Hussaini researching artistc expressions of the Qur'an at the Insititute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations at London's Aga Khan University

Research that matters

From the rise of social justice movements and the destruction of sacred sites to shifts in gender, power, and spirituality, we are committed to innovative research on topics that matter to the world today.

  • Stories from the Creative Edge, our

Our faculty specialize in a wide variety of global topics

  • War, death, memory
  • Politics and social justice
  • Pilgrimage, travel, spirituality
  • Indigenous ways of knowing and paradigm shifts in Western science
  • The body
  • Gender, power, feminist theory
  • Looking and the history of perception
  • Community-based research and Indigenous practices
  • Cross-cultural and global dialogues
  • World heritage and its preservation
  • Materiality and agency
  • New paradigms, new epistemologies, new art histories

Areas available for supervision

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Featured faculty videos

Faces of UVic Research is a series of "elevator pitch" style videos showcasing the passion and commitment of UVic researchers.

It's a great way to discover what some of our faculty are researching. Some topics include: art and architecture of the Islamic Middle East from the 7th to the 20th century; critically examining how artists and photographers assert, modify, challenge, or deny the idea of the Pacific Northwest.

See more videos from the playlist on YouTube.