
Meg Sugrue

Meg Sugrue
Web & E-Commerce Specialist
Royal BC Museum

History in Art & Anthropology - BA Honours (2012)

Meg's passion for the visual arts led her to the Art History & Visual Studies program where she developed the critical skills necessary to succeed in the cultural sector. Working with the Royal BC Museum & Archives, Meg draws inspiration from the collections to create innovative and engaging digital content. From producing promotional videos to planning exhibition interactives, her position allows her to support every department in the museum.

In addition to her work with the Royal BC Museum & Archives, Meg has had the opportunity to work with the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, the Victoria Film Festival and the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Art Collections.

With the program's focus on context, I was able to understand the complex social, political, historical and environmental factors that influence art. I left the program with an invaluable set of skills for analyzing and engaging with the visual world.