
Michelle Cheimak

Michelle Cheimak
Communications Coordinator
Beattie Tartan

History in Art, minor in Film Studies - BA Honours (2013)

In her current position, Michelle acts as the first point of contact for all inquiries and visitors that enter the office space. She triages calls and delivers messages to various departments, as well as handles daily administrative tasks like purchasing supplies and creating meeting agendas or press itineraries and packages. On top of that, Michelle reports daily on any print, online, and broadcast media clippings that mention clients, and often writes media releases and blog posts on their behalf. Occasionally, she handles some social engagement and creates email marketing campaigns using MailChimp. So far, communicating and cooperating with clients, and gaining an understanding of how media relations work, has been her best and most valuable experience.

My UVic education taught me how to understand and interpret visual information. I learned to think critically and analytically, and was able to construct arguments that validated my theories and opinions. In my current position, this has served me well when it comes to conducting careful research and preparing documents on behalf of both my employers and their clients. In my career though, I think my education has helped me to navigate and evaluate the obstacles that get tossed in front of me–I think outside the box and understand that my view isn’t the only view, that art and our world is open to interpretation.

Subsequent education: Post-Degree Diploma in Business Administration (Marketing option), Camosun Collage (2017)