
Christmas 2018

The Art History and Visual Studies Christmas Quiz, 2018

Created by Marcus Milwright

  • On each slide you will see a composite picture. Identify each image and follow the instructions (you will be asked to find letters from the name of the artist, the subject, the name of the object, and so on) and use this information to reconstruct a series of words. These are all words that are employed in art history and manuscript studies.
  • (Note: The names of all artists are in the forms they are most commonly found in art historical publications)
  • To take part in the quiz, write the completed words (or as many as you have been able to complete) on a postcard with your name and contact email. Hand this postcard into the main office of the Art History and Visual Studies Department by 7 January 2019.
  • This quiz is open to all students in the University, and you may compete as teams (but only one postcard submission per team). There will be a main prize and two also for runners up.
  • The winners will be announced on 11 January 2019. Good luck!

Dean of Fine Arts: Susan Lewis, Chair of Art History & Visual Studies: Marcus Milwright, and the winners of this year's quiz: Anika Sandhu and Beci Bonkowski.

Congratulations to everyone else who took part in the quiz!