
Personal & rental vehicles

Personal vehicles

When employees use their personal vehicle for university business they should review Section #19 - 22 in the Travel & Business Expenses Policy.

Where faculty or staff members use their private automobile for university business, they are reimbursed on a per kilometre basis.  The mileage reimbursement rate includes a reimbursement for "wear and tear," maintenance and insurance costs.

When an automobile is to be used on university business more than six days in any calendar month, the owner must also hold business insurance coverage.  Failure to have appropriate business insurance could invalidate the member's coverage.  Departments are permitted to reimburse faculty and staff making such extensive use of their vehicles on university business for the difference between the rate for driving on business and the rate for driving to and from work.

When there is an insurance claim resulting from the use of a vehicle on university business, the university will reimburse the member of faculty or staff for the deductible amount, up to $200, if assessed on "comprehensive" type claims (e.g, fire, theft of vehicle, vandalism).

All costs incurred by a faculty or staff member as the result of "collision" (i.e., own damage) are not reimbursable by the university and are the responsibility of the employee.  Such costs include the policy deductible, increased costs resulting from the loss of a safe-driver's discount, damage to personal property, and loss-of-use.

Transporting students

When practical options exist, employees should avoid driving with students in their personal vehicle by either arranging buses or by renting vehicles (either from Campus Security or from a rental vendor).

If a personal vehicle is used to transport students or employees, the insurance on that vehicle is by law the primary coverage in the event of an accident, and the university's insurance becomes excess coverage in the case of a loss.

Students transporting students

Where practical options exist, students carpooling in their personal vehicle on a university activity should be avoided by arranging buses or by renting vehicles (either from Campus Security or from a rental vendor).

If a student's vehicle is used for carpooling and is involved in an accident, the insurance on that vehicle is by law the primary coverage.  The university will not reimburse a student for deductibles, loss of ICBC safe-driver discounts, damage to personal property or other associated costs.

Rental vehicles (damage to rented vehicle)

It is the responsibility of the renter of a vehicle to ensure that they have insurance that will respond in the event of damage to a rental vehicle.

There are a variety of ways that coverage can be obtained, including:

  1. Using the UVic American Express corporate card.  This is the preferable way to rent vehicles because it has collision damage coverage bundled in as a card benefit.
  2. Accepting Collision & Comprehensive ("LDW coverage") directly from the rental vendor.
  3. Contacting the risk & insurance analyst regarding enrolling in the "ICBC Rental Policy."

The main benefit of using the UVic American Express corporate card is the savings recognized by declining the LDW coverage from the rental agency.  LDW coverage can range from $5.99 to $25 per day.

American Express corporate card terms

When using the UVic American Express corporate card there are several terms and conditions that a renter should be aware of, including but not limited to:

  • The principal driver must also be named on the AMEX corporate card
  • Rentals cannot be longer than 31 days in length
  • Vehicles must be driven in accordance with the provisions of the rental agreement
  • Rented vehicles must not be:
    • Expensive - a vehicle with a MSRP over $65,000
    • Antique - older than 25 years
    • Exotic - includes custom or limited edition vehicles

Rental vehicles (Third Party Liability)

Please see the non-owned automobile insurance policy summary.