

Am I covered?

Covered for what?  Insurance is easy to overlook but insurance is not just insurance, there are many types of coverage.  Please see the insurance policies for more information and if you still have questions, please contact the .

Is my personal property covered?

Generally speaking, the university's coverage does not include your personal property; however, if the property is of a professional nature and is being used at the request of, or to benefit the university, and no other specific coverage applies, then the university will consider this on a case by case basis for such "personal professional property."  Please see the for further information.

Does the university insure borrowed items?

The university insurance will cover items if the loan is authorized by the department chair and the following information is provided to the risk management and insurance department prior to the acquisition of the loan items:  a description of each item, its estimated replacement value, make/model number if applicable, and the terms of the borrowing.  Insurance is on the same basis as for university owned property.  Please see the for further information.

What do I do if university equipment is stolen or damaged in my department?

Please see for further details.

How much is the property deductible?

Risk management utilizes an internal deductible system based on the loss scenario.  Please see the for further information.

Does risk management provide loss prevention recommendations?

Yes, contact the for more information.

Do I need to purchase insurance to cover property in transit?

Equipment purchases should normally be made on the basis of FOB point of delivery.  That is, the vendor assumes the transportation risk (termed Free or Freight on Board, or FOB) for the goods up to the point of destination which is normally to the university's premises and includes loading/unloading.  In certain cases, the transit risk may be negotiated separately for business reasons, for example, when goods are being sent out for repair.  When the university ships goods for purposes of repair, loan or for use in field research, either the shipping company or the university would normally undertake the transit risk.

Normally, insurance coverage should be arranged with the shipper on a declared value basis whenever feasible.  This usually costs 1-2% of the declared value and covers all damage with zero deductible.  For special trip transit insurance for more valuable items over $5,000, coverage should be arranged through the university.  Please see the for further information and contact the with any questions.

What do I do if I am involved in an accident while driving a university vehicle?

Please see for further information.

If I use my personal vehicle for university business, do I need to notify my broker or insurance company?

Yes.  If you are using your vehicle for university business, your vehicle needs to be "rated" for business use.  If you don't do this the insurance company may say that you have misrepresented the use of the vehicle and decline coverage in the event of a claim.

Can a personal vehicle be used to transport students and employees?

Yes, but when a personal vehicle is used to transport students or employees, the insurance on that vehicle is by law the primary coverage in the event of an accident, and the university's insurance becomes excess coverage in case of a loss.

If you are an instructor or staff member and use your own vehicle for university purposes (e.g., transporting students on a field trip), you are only covered by the university's excess of your own policy limit.  In case of an accident, the policy covering the specific vehicle is primary and would respond first until this coverage is exhausted.

Faculty and staff are required to inform their personal vehicle insurance company if using their own vehicle for business purposes.

Does the university's auto insurance program respond to loss or damage involving a personal vehicle driven for university business?

The owner of the vehicle's insurance (1st party and 3rd party coverage) responds to the loss or damage.  The mileage reimbursement rate includes an insurance reimbursement.  For example, if the vehicle owner does not carry collision/comprehensive damage, the university will not reimburse or repair the vehicle.

Can contracts be sent to the risk management and insurance department for review?

Typically, risk management and insurance reviews contracts from an insurance and indemnity perspective.  If your contract contains either of these clauses, please call the .

How do I obtain a certificate of insurance?

Please fill out the certificate of insurance form which will automatically be sent on to our insurer for approval.

What should I do if I am renting out university premises to a third party?

Most locations on campus have a Responsible Administrator who will explain the process for obtaining space in that area.

There are many steps used to protect the interests of the university and can include risk assessments, facility use agreements, waivers and additional insurance coverage.  Specific limits, terms and conditions should be verified by the .

As an employee what insurance is available to me when I travel on university business?

WorkSafe BC - University faculty and staff who are injured while performing university business away from their normal place of work may be eligible for WorkSafe BC benefits.  Inquiries concerning this coverage for specific situations should be made to .

Health insurance - University faculty and staff covered by the basic Medical Services Plan and by UVic's group Extended Health Benefit Plan (EHB) are insured for out of province hospitalization and physician costs.  For details, please refer to the appropriate benefits information handbook, or contact the benefits coordinator in human resources.

Group life insurance - Basic group life insurance, optional life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment insurance are included in UVic's benefit package for eligible faculty and staff.  For further details please refer to the appropriate benefits information handbook, or contact the benefits coordinator in human resources.

Travel accident insurance - The university provides group accident insurance coverage up to $100,000 in the event of accidental death or dismemberment within 365 days of, and as a result of, an accident occurring while traveling on approved university business (excludes everyday travel to and from work).  Please see the for more information.

American Express corporate card insurance coverage - There is $300,000 coverage on the cardholder when public transportation tickets are purchased with the American Express corporate card.