
Risk management and insurance

Risk & Insurance
The risk & insurance office handles the university's insurance needs.

Risk management on campus is the collective responsibility of the campus community.

The risk management and insurance department will help to identify and analyze risks inherent in the activities of the UVic community. Working together we can ensure that UVic activities go forward in a way that minimizes the adverse effects of risk at a reasonable cost.

Insurance involves managing the university's existing insurance program and advising which risks are already covered, recommending those that are to be insured, and advising on those that are to be self-insured or assumed. Types of insurance include:

  • property (including marine);
  • third party liability; and
  • auto (owned and rented).

For a complete summary of insurance policies please view the insurance program summary.

Ben McAllister
Manager, Risk, Insurance & Continuity Planning

Stephanie Smith
Risk & Insurance Analyst

Contact for:

- Making an insurance claim
- Insurance policy interpretations: find out if you are covered
- Certificates of insurance
- Waiver and informed consent review
- Contract review/indemnity approval