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Explore options

Students, staff, faculty and other UVic community members have various options to address Discrimination and Harassment under UVic’s Policy. Which options are available depends on the specific circumstances of your experience. 

Schedule a consultation

  • for those with concerns related to Discrimination and Harassment, consult with EQHR to learn more about your options 
  • your information will be held in confidence, with limitations explained beforehand
  • a consultation does not mean you have to pursue a process; however, a consultation is required for anyone wanting to initiate a process
  • EQHR can refer you to other, potentially more relevant offices and processes on- or off-campus 
  • EQHR cannot provide legal advice

Make a Disclosure

  • a Disclosure means telling someone about your experience of Discrimination and Harassment
  • people may make a Disclosure to EQHR for the purpose of seeking support, advice, and options
  • a Disclosure is different from a Report; disclosing does not necessarily lead to further process
  • Disclosures to EQHR are kept in confidence according to privacy legislation

Consider a voluntary process

A voluntary process:
  • is facilitated by EQHR in response to Discrimination and Harassment
  • is designed to bring about personal accountability for harm caused 
  • centers the needs of the participants 
  • is not designed to determine if the Policy was violated
  • does not require filing a report
  • may include facilitating a voluntary apology, training, a mediated or facilitated conversation, a voluntary no-contact agreement, etc. 

Explore filing a Report

  • first attend a consultation with EQHR to explore this option (including jurisdiction)
  • involves completing a Report form and filing it with EQHR with the purpose of initiating an investigation or a review of Systemic Discrimination
  • usually involves one person filing a complaint against another person, although people can file a Report on the basis of Systemic Discrimination
  • cannot file a complaint and remain anonymous

Options beyond EQHR

During a consultation, EQHR may be able to assist individuals in identifying other resolution options. These might include: 

  • a grievance through their union
  • a police report
  • a human rights complaint through the
  • a claim or complaint to
  • a civil suit