
Summer Institute

Summer Institute

The Department of Indigenous Education is proud to offer a Summer Institute starting in the month of June each year. This institute is a meaningfully integrated cluster of four courses offered during the month of June, with a focus on Indigenous knowledge, epistemology, pedagogy and education.

This 6-unit institute is designed to give teacher candidates an opportunity to learn from and about Indigenous knowledge and to make valuable connections to the local Indigenous communities.

The 4 courses (1.5 units each) included in the institute are:

  • IED 371: The History of Indigenous Education in Canada
  • IED 374: Indigenous Pedagogies
  • IED 399: Special Topics in Indigenous Education
  • IED 473: CENENITEL TW TOLNEW: Helping each other to learn

For more information on when to register, please click on the link to see the 2024 Summer Institute flyer

For any other assistance or questions, please feel free to contact our office at ied@uvic.ca or 250-721-7826.