

Get the inspiration you need from our resource centres. We offer a rich array of resources to help aspiring and practicing teachers as well as teacher-educators.

Do you need to teach a lesson for a grade 2 class about symbolism as a means of expressing specific meaning? Or a lesson for a grade 8 class on how visual artists use processes, materials and technologies to create and communicate ideas?

The Art Education Resource Center, situated in the heart of the art ed studios, provides studio assistance to faculty and students throughout the year. We also offer a lending library of visual supports, print materials, as well as studio equipment to support course activities, practicum and exploratory course activities.

Location, hours and contact information:

Location: MacLaurin A194 (on the upper Mezzanine level)
Hours: Contact us for current hours of operation.

Email: arted@uvic.ca
Phone: 250-721-6638

Location, hours and contact information:

Location: MacLaurin A194 (on the Mezzanine level)
Hours: Contact us for current hours of operation.

Phone: 250-721-6638

Do you need to teach a lesson on money for a Grade 1 class? Or one on geometry for Grade 6?

The math resource room can help you find great ideas. The resource room caters to students of elementary education (K-7), and contains math education resources like current textbook series and activity idea books.

You can sign out any of the resources for 48 hours.

Location, hours and contact information:

Hours: See door for scheduled hours

Do you need to teach a lesson on sound for a Grade 2 class? Or one on animal adaptations for Grade 4?

The science resource room can help you find great ideas, clarify the assignment, or listen and offer feedback on your unit overview.

The resource room caters to students of elementary education (K-7). It contains science education resources like current textbook series, activity idea books, some videos and science related children's literature and expository texts. For your practicum, you can also borrow equipment like magnets, magnifying glasses or eye-droppers, prisms or spring scales.

A popular resource is the Unit Plan Binders, which contain unit overviews, activity ideas from science teaching journals, and Internet resource suggestions. The binders have real-world connections and have been taught and tested by teachers. You can sign out any of the resources for 48 hours.

Location, hours and contact information:

Hours: See door for scheduled hours

Phone: 250-721-7859

The  is home to the Curriculum Library collection which serves the learning, teaching, and research needs of students in the Faculty of Education. 

You’ll find professional resources, textbooks for K-12 classrooms, teacher guides, curriculum documents, and a vast selection of literature for children and teens.

Policies and Statements


Diversity and Equity

Diversity and Equity Statement

Our Faculty of Education embraces an inclusive learning community that respects and recognizes that we are enriched and strengthened by diversity including, but not limited to, ethnicity and national origins, language, gender and gender identity, sexuality, ability, age, socioeconomic status, and spirituality. 

We are committed to increasing the participation of people who have been historically and systemically excluded from higher education and welcome all who share this aspiration. 

We are committed to answering the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. 

We are a campus that educates for and encourages respect, acceptance of others, inclusion and diversity, with one principal limit: acts that incite hatred, espouse or encourage bigotry, either implied or explicit, will not be tolerated.


Please visit our page.

Use of an editor

Department of Curriculum & Instruction Policy on Students’ Use of an Editor

We are pleased to allow you to use the following forms of assistance by an editor:

  1. Proofreading which includes: reviewing work for accuracy of inputting; adherence to a specified design; mechanical or typographic errors in text or formatting; identifying inconsistencies in elements (e.g. headings in APA format); and identifying errors in spelling, punctuation and visual elements


  1. Copy editing which includes: editing work for grammar, spelling, punctuation, usage and other mechanics of style; reviewing work for consistency of mechanics and internal consistency of facts; indication the hierarchy of heading and placement of art; identifying citation errors; editing captions and credit lines’ and editing front matter.


Stylistic editing which includes: clarifying meaning; polishing language; querying confusing sentence structures; identifying wrong word choices and ambiguous passages; checking tables, figures and visual materials for clarity; identifying faulty connections and transitions; and/or identifying jargon, redundancies and verbosity.

Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response

Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response at UVic

UVic takes sexualized violence seriously, and has raised the bar for what is considered acceptable behaviour. We encourage students to learn more about how the university defines sexualized violence and its overall approach by visiting .

If you or someone you know has been impacted by sexualized violence and needs information, advice, and/or support please contact the sexualized violence resource office in Equity and Human Rights (EQHR).

Whether or not you have been directly impacted, if you want to take part in the important prevention work taking place on campus, contact:

Sexualized violence resource office

Office of the Ombudsperson

Office of the Ombudsperson

The  is an independent and impartial resource to assist with the fair resolution of student issues. A confidential consultation can help you understand your rights and responsibilities. The Ombudsperson can also clarify information, help navigate procedures, assist with problem-solving, facilitate communication, provide feedback on an appeal, investigate and make recommendations.

250-721-8357 | ombuddy@uvic.ca  | uvicombudsperson.ca

Course Experience Survey

Course Experience Survey (CES)

We value your feedback on our courses. Towards the end of term, as in all other courses at UVic, you will have the opportunity to complete a confidential survey regarding your learning experience (CES).

The survey is vital to providing feedback to individual instructors regarding the course and their teaching, as well as to help the department improve the overall program for students in the future. When it is time for you to complete the survey you will receive an email inviting you to do so.

Please ensure that your current email address is listed in MyPage. If you do not receive an email invitation, you can go directly to  .

You will need to use your UVic netlink ID to access the survey, which can be done on your laptop, tablet, or mobile device. Instructors will remind you and provide you with more detailed information nearer the time but please be thinking about this important activity during the course.