
Dr. Robert Dalton

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Dr. Robert Dalton

Associate Professor Emeritus, Art Education

PhD (Art Education), Ohio State University

MFA (Painting), University of Washington

Professional Teaching Certificate (Art Education), University of Calgary

BA (Fine Arts/Sociology), University of Calgary


  • Studio pedagogy
  • Critical perspectives on art
  • Visual culture and mass media
  • Exhibitions of children's art
  • Intergenerational art experiences

Dalton, R. (2012). “From Badlands to Tide Pools: Finding My Place.” In A. Sinner & C. Lowther (Eds) Reflections from the Far West Coast, (pp. 12-22). Toronto: The Key Publishing House.

Dalton, R. & Delgado, N. (2012). “Posters for Global Citizenship: International Issues for an International Curriculum.” BCATA Journal for Art Teachers, 54(1)18-27.

Dalton, R. (2012). “The Eye Hears, The Ear Sees.” BCATA Journal for Art Teachers, 54(1) 52-60.

Dalton, R. & Emme, M. (2012). “Diversity in the Art Classroom: Students with Autism.” BCATA Journal for Art Teachers, 54(2) 58-68.

Dalton, R. (2010). “Constructing Identities: Self-portraits in Photography.” In C. Mullen & J. Rahn (Eds) View Finding: Perspectives on New Media Curriculum in the Arts, (pp. 145-166). New York: Peter Lang.

Dalton, R. (2010). “Things My Students Taught Me: Confessions of an Art Educator.” The Canadian Art Teacher, 8(2), 2010, pp.8-19. *This is the full text of the Gaitskell Address, an invited address given to the Canadian Society for Education through Art conference in Vancouver, BC

I am available to speak on the following topics through the UVic Speakers Bureau:

  • Belling the Cat: The Artful Subersion of Advertising
  • Looking at Others Looking at Us: Portraitrue by Leading Photographers
  • Popular Myths about Art and Artists
  • War and Peace: Children's Drawings Promoting Peace
  • Young at Art: Elderly Artists and Their Work
  • Empathy and Visual Literacy
  • The Importance of Art Education in Child Devleopment
  • Survivors of War: Children Draw Their Experiences

If you are interested to have me speak on any of these topics, please visit the  to make a booking.