
Dr. Robert Anthony

Dr. Robert Anthony

Dr. Robert Anthony

Associate Professor Emeritus, Language & Literacy

Phd (Language Curriculum), University of Toronto

BA (Anthropology) University of Manitoba

Assoc. Education (Elementary), University of Manitoba

  • Multi-literacies

  • Literacy in science

  • Argumentation

  • Second language education

Kim, Mijung and Anthony, Robert and Blades, David. (2012). Argumentation as a tool to understand complexity of knowledge integration. Proceedings 2nd International Conference of STEM in education.  #63. Beijing.  

Tippett, Christine and Anthony, Robert. (2011) Explicit instruction embedded in middle school science classrooms: A community-based professional development project to enhance scientific literacy. In Larry Yore, Eileen Van der Flier-Keller, David Blades, Timothy Pelton and David Zandvliet (Eds.) Pacific CRYSTAL Centre for Science, Mathematics and Technology Literacy : Lessons Learned. Sense Publishers: Boston. Pp 133-148.

Van der Flier-Keller, Anthony, Robert; Tippett, Christine;  & Stege, Ulrike. (2010)  Science teaching: Professional development approaches  Brock Journal of Education

Anthony, R. J., Yore, L. D., Coll, R. K., Dillon, J., Chiu, M.-H., Fakudze, C., Grimberg, I., Wang, B-J. (2009). Research ethics boards and gold standard(s) in literacy and science education research. In M. C. Shelley II, L. D. Yore, & B. Hand (Eds.), Quality research in literacy and science education: International perspectives and gold standards. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. Pp 511-557

Anthony, R. J., Tippett, C. D., & Yore, L. D. (2009). Pacific CRYSTAL project: Explicit literacy instruction embedded in middle school science classrooms. Research in Science Education, 40, 45-64. doi 10.1007/s11165-009-9156-7

Evans, L.C., Johnson, S.A., McNee, D., Robillard, C.L, Tippett, C. Anthony, R.J., (2009). A handbook of strategies for developing literacy across the curriculum. Victoria, BC: Pacific CRYSTAL and SD 63

Anthony, R., Tippett, C. and Yore, L. (2008) Pacific CRYSTAL Project: Explicit Literacy Instruction Embedded in Middle School Science Classrooms. Proceedings NARST 2008. pp 219-240.

Tippett, C.D., Yore, L.D., & Anthony, R.J. (2008, June). Creating brochures: An authentic writing task for representing understanding in middle school science. Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Anthony, R.J. and T. Zhang. (2007) Investigation of Chinese students’ concepts and attitudes toward English language writing by native-English speakers and Chinese speaking teachers. Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology. 7.1, 66-77

Cui, Yanping and Anthony, R. An empirical study of recasts in a text-based chatroom Proceedings Connections 2007 Conference. Victoria, BC

Zhang, S. and Anthony, R.J. (2007). Language Culture and Research in the Context of International Education and Second Language Acquisition. Canadian and International Education Journal. 37