
Engage in research

Undergraduate research

As an undergraduate you'll have exciting opportunities to participate in research projects. You could find yourself doing research during a co-op term, and you'll be regularly exposed to the latest in research as many of our top researchers teach first- and second-year classes.

Explore the cutting-edge research areas in the department.

Research spotlight: Mechatronics

BlimpIf you're walking down the third floor hallway of the Engineering and Computer Science building, don't be surprised to see a blimp navigating its way down the hallway or a hovercraft at your feet. They're student mechatronics projects developed in the nearby Embedded Software Lab.

Mechatronics is the combination of different engineering types to create useful products. The mechatronics option is open to all students in Computer Science and Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering students can also take a mechatronics specialization.

Take a look at some of the exciting - you'll find blimps, Roomba vacuuming robots and more.