
Prospective graduate students

Tom Burdyny, MASc candidate.
Tom Burdyny, MASc candidate.

Our graduate programs

The mechanical engineering program at UVic is energetic and forward looking. Its focus is on research in leading edge and information technologies, such as robotics and advanced manufacturing, mechatronics and embedded systems, energy conversion systems, thermofluids, advanced materials and computational mechanics. We offer three graduate programs:

Learn about admission requirements and financial assistance.

Why UVic?

There are many reasons to consider doing your mechanical engineering graduate degree at the 番茄社区:

  • The program offers possibilities for broad graduate education in a variety of research topics in the areas mentioned.
  • We have recruited outstanding faculty who conduct state of the art research in areas of interest. Several of our faculty have held national awards, NSERC chairs and other distinguished awards.
  • Victoria is a great place to live and be a student. As the capital of British Columbia, it is large enough to offer many cultural opportunities, while remaining affordable and easy to get around in.

What our students say

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers one very unique feature, which is the creative learning environment, an approach that focuses on the understanding that each individual must be at the very centre of any truly effective research. During my previous MASc study and now, during my PhD, I was always surrounded by my supervisors and other faculty members who were dedicated to help me in achieving my goals. Ability to be engaged in cutting edge industrial research projects is something that I am especially grateful for, and the variety of projects that are available is really amazing. - Oleksandr Barannyk, MASc 2009 (current PhD candidate)

Victoria's local environment and active lifestyle inspire the innovative work done here in classrooms and design laboratories. I love walking past deer on my way to grow photovoltaics in the lab or attend a seminar on wind turbine design. - Jordan Roszmann, MASc 2009 (current PhD candidate)

Graduates from our program have an excellent track record in career development. All of our PhD graduates have positions either in academic institutions, research laboratories or industry.

Our MASc graduates are gainfully employed in industry or government, have started companies or are pursuing further studies.

Mechanical engineering graduate students are normally provided with financial support from faculty research funds for the first year. Subject to satisfactory performance and the availability of funding, financial support may be renewed.

Graduate support can also be provided through sources such as teaching assistantships, 番茄社区 Fellowships and NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships (PGS).

Find out more about funding and employment options for UVic graduate students. All eligible students are encouraged to apply for funding from provincial, federal and external sources.

Under this program, MEng or MASc students normally spend the first year of the program on course work. The second year is spent working at a paid research-related position in either industry or government.

During the third and subsequent years, the student alternates between the university and the place of work to complete the research and write and defend the thesis. Learn more about in the Faculty of Engineering.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering, together with the associated and the , has excellent research facilities.

These include:

  • extensive computational hardware and software
  • an advanced manufacturing laboratory with a four axis machine centre, a two axis lathe, a coordinate measuring machine, a comprehensive robotics and vision technology laboratory, a versatile material testing machine, crystal growth and characterization facilities, a spray research apparatus, a water channel with laser Doppler velocimetry
  • a cryofuels laboratory
  • an adaptive optics laboratory
  • a transportation fuel cell systems laboratory

The laboratories are well equipped with state-of-the-art measuring equipment.

Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
For the M.Eng. degree, there shall be a Supervisory Committee (which is also the examining committee for the project oral), of at least three members, approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The supervisor shall be a faculty member of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, the second member of the committee must be the department Graduate Adviser or his designate, and the third may be external to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and nominated by the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Studies Committee at the time of the oral defense.

Master of Applied Science (M.A.Sc.)
For the M.A.Sc. degree, there shall be a Supervisory Committee of at least three members, including the supervisor, approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. It is recommended that one member of the committee be from outside the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
For the Doctoral degree a student's program shall be under the direction of a Supervisory Committee of at least four members, approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. At least one member of the committee shall be from outside the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Supervisory committees shall normally be chaired by the student's supervisor. The M.E. Graduate Studies Committee may recommend otherwise to the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Role of the Supervisor
The Academic Supervisor is directly responsible for the supervision of the student's program. In this capacity, the supervisor assists the student in planning the program, ensures that the student is aware of all program requirements, degree regulations of the Department and the Faculty of Graduate Studies, provides counsel and guidance for all aspects of the program, and remains informed of the student's research activities and progress.

Role of the Supervisory Committee
The Supervisory Committee recommends a program of studies to the Faculty of Graduate Studies through the M.E. Graduate Studies Office. This committee also monitors and evaluates the progress of the student; guides the student in the conduct of research; evaluates the final draft of the project report or thesis; recommends to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, through the M.E. Graduate Studies Office, corrective steps or withdrawal if progress is unsatisfactory; and, participates in candidacy and oral examinations of the candidate. The Supervisory Committee may conduct other examinations, and recommends to the Faculty of Graduate Studies whether or not a degree should be awarded to the candidate.

Progress Review Meetings: Guidelines & Procedures
The supervisory committee of the student should meet at least once every twelve months to review the progress of the student.

Prior to the meeting the student should be encouraged to provide committee members with a brief (suggested length: 2 double-spaced pages) summary of the work carried out since the previous meeting. During the meeting, the student would present briefly (~10-15 min.) her/his progress and its significance, and outline her/his plans for the following year and any timetable revisions. This would be followed by an informal discussion on the results, difficulties, methodology etc. and any concerns and suggestions committee members may have.

At the end of the meeting, the supervisory committee should discuss in camera the progress of the candidate. If the progress is judged satisfactory by unanimous agreement, the supervisor will inform the Graduate Adviser via a brief memo. including any recommendations (e.g. additional course work). If unanimous approval is not reached, the Department Chair should be informed. The Chair will consult with members of the supervisory committee and decide on a further course of action.

Responsibilities of Students
Students are responsible for making themselves familiar with the general calendar regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and the regulations of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Students should be familiar with the chronological sequence of events and deadlines that occur at crucial stages throughout their program. Students are expected to inform themselves about the academic schedule in the current university calendar, and be aware of the specific dates of such deadlines. They should also know and use the various official forms which record their programs, the fulfillment of requirements or changes in program, etc.

Role of the Graduate Adviser
In the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Graduate Adviser is the official liaison person between the department and the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and the Chair of the M.E. Graduate Studies Committee. The Graduate Adviser is the primary source of information for students regarding rules and regulations for graduate programs, and ensures that the requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies are met.

The Graduate Adviser makes recommendations on the following matters, to the Faculty of Graduate Studies: graduate admissions, awards administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and any changes to the student's records (including Supervisory Committee, program, and registration). The annual report on a student's progress and any Request for Oral Examination must be co-signed by the department Graduate Adviser, before being forwarded to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

The Graduate Adviser also serves as the primary contact for students in all matters concerning graduate programs offered by the department.