
Student Clubs

Below is a list of Civil Engineering Student Clubs.

American Concrete Institute (ACI)

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) Student Chapter at the 番茄社区 was established in 2015. The objective of our chapter is to promote students' interest in the study of concrete and raise awareness of ACI and ACI chapters. Our chapter strives to provide our members with the opportunity to participate in competitions, tours, technical talks, and social events. We are now looking for enthusiastic students who want to join us as executive members and help run the club.”

Contact info:

Maryam Monazami: Sanaz Ajabshir: Boyu Wang:

Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE)

The UVIC CIVE Club, in association with the CSCE Uvic Chapter, is a student club for members within or interested in the Civil Engineering Department at the 番茄社区. Originally created through the Canadian Society for Civil Engineers under the guidance of Dr. Rishi Gupta, the group has expanded to become a broader student club within the department. The CSCE is a not-for-profit learned society created to develop and maintain high standards of civil engineering practice in Canada and to enhance the public image of the civil engineering profession. CIVE Club hosts a number of great industry events, including site visits, employer information talks, and networking events. The club also promotes and is involved with CSCE events on a local and national level, and will be attending the CSCE 2022 Annual Conference this May in Whistler, BC.

Concrete Canoe Club

The first Civil Engineering student team, UVic Concrete Canoe Club was formed in late 2015 and competed for the first time in 2016 at the CSCE Canadian National Concrete Canoe Competition (CNCCC), an annual competition that involves the design, construction and racing of a concrete canoe. The team participated in the 2019 CNCCC competition, the online CNCCC in 2021, and intends to participate in the ASCE PNW Concrete Canoe Competition in late April 2022, held in Vancouver by UBC.

Please get in touch with the team at uviccanoeteam@gmail.com if you are interested in joining!

UVic Global Engineering Brigade Club

Are you passionate about global health and economic equity and solving water disparities? Interested in developing your practical engineering knowledge? Want to meet like-minded individuals?

Join the world's largest student-led movement for global and economic health and equity! With UVic Global Engineering Brigades, you'll be given the opportunity to explore your passion in the field of engineering through skill-based volunteering, develop life-long friendships, and improve your cultural competency on our in-person brigade to Honduras this spring reading break.

Meetings are held on Thursday at 5 PM in Cornett A121, so check in with our (@uvicglobalbrigades on Instagram) or reach out to Danielle Mar (daniellemar81@gmail.com), Ayden Martin (aydenmartin12@gmail.com), or uvicgb@gmail.com for more details. Don't miss out on this amazing experience!

UVic Renewable Energy Club

The UVic Renewable Energy Club helps students develop key skills and knowledge related to the ever-important field of sustainable energy production and climate change solutions. UREC participates in the US Solar Decathlon; a competition to design a sustainable community building graded on many different engineering, business, and architecture topics.

For more information see or email uvicrenewableenergyclub@gmail.com

UVic Concrete Toboggan Club

We are the University of Victoria Concrete Toboggan Team, a group of engineering students intent on creating our first concrete toboggan everThe Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race  (GNCTR) is Canada's oldest and largest engineering student competition and we are planning to represent UVic for the very first time in 2022 Calgary competition. 

UVic concrete toboggan team brings you an amazing opportunity to improve your technical and non-technical skills. Technical experience includes concrete ski design, steering, brakes and roll cage design, construction safety, and lab techniques and nontechnical experience includes teamwork, communication, fundraising, and scheduling.        

If you are interested in joining our team, please fill out this .

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email us at: 

We look forward to having you join the UVic Concrete Toboggan team!

Club Faculty Advisor

UVIC Seismic Design Team

"The UVIC Seismic Design Team designs, models, tests and builds a 20-storey, 5 ft tall balsa wood structure that is subjected to earthquake ground motions at the international EERI (Earthquake Engineering Research Institute) Seismic Design Competition every year. Our team offers a hands-on learning and networking experience for undergraduate students interested in structural, geotechnical, architectural and earthquake engineering. Our team is currently in the process of testing our prototype structure in preparation for the 2023 design competition in April in San Francisco, California!"

Shake Test